
  1. 学习一下怎样买到最好最廉价的处方药,包括州政府补助和使用邮购。

    Learn how to shop for the best prescriptions , which could include state aid or using mail-order .

  2. 2012年,辉瑞失去了对这种药物的专有权,生产廉价非专利药的公司将和它展开竞争。

    In 2012 , Pfizer lost the exclusive rights to the drug , opening it up to competition from companies that produce cheaper , generic versions .

  3. 2012年,辉瑞失去了对这种药物的专有权,生产廉价非专利药的公司将和它展开竞争。这给公司带来了严重影响。

    In 2012 , Pfizer lost the exclusive rights to the drug , opening it up to competition from companies that produce cheaper , generic versions . That hurt .