
  • 网络clean government culture
  1. 让交通廉政文化在企业落地生根

    Let the Communication Honest and Clean Government Culture Root in the Enterprise

  2. 制定《关于加强廉政文化建设的意见》,推动廉政文化进机关、社区、家庭、学校、企业和农村。

    Implementing " the views on the strengthening of the clean government culture " promote clean culture into institutions , communities , families , schools , businesses and rural areas .

  3. 接下来,以对H大学廉政文化建设案例的介绍和分析为基础,以小见大,对我国高校廉政文化建设存在的问题做了详细介绍。

    After that , author gives a detailed introduction of the problems in the clean governance culture construction of universities in our country .

  4. 基于专家调查法、参照单位分析法和AHP法建立了高校廉政文化建设评价指标体系。

    The paper is to establish the evaluation index system of Incorruptible Culture Construction in universities according to the method of expert investigation and AHP .

  5. 盐城历史上的清官与廉政文化建设

    The Upright Officials and Their Incorruptible Culture Construction in Yancheng History

  6. 试论廉政文化建设与和谐校园构建

    On the Building of Culture of Clean Government and Harmonious Campus

  7. 廉政文化的历史渊源及时代价值

    Historical Origin and Era Value of the Culture of Clean Government

  8. 吸收历史优良传统,促进廉政文化建设

    On the Absorption of Excellent Moral Tradition to Promote Honest Cultural Construction

  9. 中国廉政文化建设的历史探源与借鉴

    The Historical Research on Construction of Chinese Clean and Honest Administration Culture

  10. 论廉政文化的内涵及其在新时期的作用

    Connotation of Culture of Clean Government and the Effect in New Period

  11. 中国当代廉政文化缺失的原因及对策研究

    Independent Deletion of Contemporary Chinese Culture Study of the Causes and Countermeasures

  12. 当前廉政文化建设存在的问题与对策研究

    Existing Problems Its Countermeasures in Culture Construction for a Clean Honest Government

  13. 弘扬廉政文化推进廉政建设

    Carry forward the Culture of a Clear Government and Pressing forward Its Construction

  14. 高校廉政文化建设的理论思考

    A theoretical consideration of the clean administration culture construction at colleges and universities

  15. 廉政文化的文化学透视

    Probing Incorruptible Culture through the Science of Culture

  16. 高校廉政文化建设对人才培养的影响与作用研究

    A study on impacts and effects of university integrity culture construction to personnel training

  17. 廉政文化建设实践必须坚持的原则

    Principles Stuck to during the Construction Practice of a Clean and Honest Administration Culture

  18. 廉政文化建设的功效与体系分析

    On the Function and System of the Cultural Construction of an Honest and Clean Government

  19. 谈大学校园的廉政文化建设

    On the Culture of Incorruptness at Universities

  20. 浅谈高校廉政文化与党风廉政建设

    On Probity Culture and Construction of Clean and Honest Party Conduct in Colleges and Universities

  21. 在高等学校开展廉政文化建设的思考

    Reflection on Carrying out Cultural Construction of Incorruption and Uprightness in Institutions of Higher Learning

  22. 加强高校廉政文化建设弘扬和谐校园先进文化

    Strengthen the Construction of a Clean Government in College and Promote Harmonious Advanced Campus Culture

  23. 抓载体抓引导,营造浓厚的廉政文化氛围;

    Focus on the carrier and the steerer and build the clean politics culture environment .

  24. 试论企业廉政文化建设

    On Construction of Clean Corporation Culture

  25. 高等院校廉政文化建设模式的现状及其优化

    The Actuality and Optimization of Model in Construction of the Culture of Integrity in Colleges and Universities

  26. 本文是以高校廉政文化建设研究为目的,首先高校廉政文化建设作了简要的阐述。

    First , this paper gives a brief state of the clean governance culture construction of university .

  27. 简析廉政文化的功能

    Functions of Clean Government Culture

  28. 而在建设廉政文化的系统工程中,高校则担负着极其重要的使命。

    In a clean culture systems engineering , the university is responsible for an extremely important mission .

  29. 高校廉政文化建设具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。

    The building of culture against corruption in colleges and universities has both practical and strategic significances .

  30. 辩证地把握廉政文化特征是廉政文化建设的基础。

    Grasping dialectically the characteristics of anti-corruption culture is the foundation of the construction of anti-corruption culture .