
yōu míng
  • Youming;the nether world;dim
幽冥 [yōu míng]
  • (1) [dim]∶昏暗;暗昧

  • 视之无形,听之无声,谓之幽冥。--《淮南子.说山训》

  • (2) [the nether world]∶指阴间

  • 冤魂痛于幽冥。--《后汉书.袁谭传》

  • 倘或天门闭上,你还说幽冥文书送到兜率宫去的。--《西游记》

幽冥[yōu míng]
  1. 幽冥境界,乃地之阴司。

    The nether world boundary is the place hail .

  2. 法老们在夕阳的伴随下开始幽冥世界的旅行,跟着西落的太阳踏上新的生命历程。

    The pharaohs start their journey in the nether world when the sun comes down .

  3. NO.10AngieEverhart安吉•埃弗哈特我们已经想不起《地穴传说》或者《幽冥怪谈》的具体细节了,但我还记得影片的最后,安吉•埃弗哈特所饰演的吸血鬼莉莉丝咬住了配角埃丽卡•埃伦尼克,于是世界重归原样。

    I don 't remember a whole lot of things from the " Tales from the Crypt " movie " Bordello of Blood , " but I do remember that towards the end , Angie Everhart , who plays vampire Lilith , takes a bite out of co-star Erika Eleniak , and all was right with the world .

  4. 彝族灵魂观念中的幽冥世界

    The ghost world viewed from the Yi peoples perspective on soul

  5. 如果《幽冥之门》落入死灵之手。

    If the Necronomicon fell into the hands of the deadites .

  6. 您是慈祥而智慧的;是幽冥世界的女王。

    You are the Crone ; Queen of the world of spirits .

  7. 一个墓地,《幽冥之门》就在那儿。

    A cemetery . there , the Necronomicon awaits .

  8. 他想到他的尸体漂浮在那无限凄凉的幽冥里。

    He thinks of the gloomy adventures of the corpse in the limitless shadow .

  9. 你以前有没有见过两个男人在幽冥山顶打啵?

    Have you ever seen two men kiss on the top of Erebus before ?

  10. 你拿《幽冥之门》时,有没有念咒语?

    When you removed the Necronomicon from the cradle , did you speak the words ?

  11. 永远别想得到《幽冥之门》!

    You shall never obtain the necronomicon !

  12. 在那幽冥中我入了梦。

    And dreaming through the wtilight .

  13. 那时候,那整个混沌幽冥的现象,就是那位超逸卓越的弗劳伦斯人在他的幻想中临崖俯瞰的时候所看到的林苞

    Then the whole black phenomenon beneath represented Limbo AS viewed from the brink by the sublime Florentine in his vision

  14. 他们像无水的泉源,又像为狂风所飘飏的云雾:为他们所存留的,是黑暗的幽冥。

    These are fountains without water , and clouds tossed with whirlwinds , to whom the mist of darkness is reserved .

  15. 同时,他借助灯光发现这屋子自有一种幽冥淡雅的魅力,与他熟悉的任何房间都不相同。

    What he saw , meanwhile , with the help of the lamp , was the faded shadowy charm of a room unlike any room he had known .

  16. 我将东方虚化的幽冥意境和西方强调物质感的因素穿插在一起,造成一种无以名状的氛围。

    I have created an aura beyond description by interweaving together indistinct and gloomy ambiance of the East and elements of the West emphasizing material sense ( fig.9 ) .

  17. 你将经历扑朔迷离的幽冥,我们的面孔互相无法辩认;今昔全都一齐陷入困境,却又难以找出那无形的原因;

    The land of shadows wilt thou trace , Nor look nor know each other 's face ; The present marred with reason gone , And past and present as one ?

  18. 我对培根的借鉴是来自我自己的一种感受,我一直对一些神秘、怪异、幽冥的东西有一种强烈的兴趣和表达欲望。

    The reason why I draw on Bacon 's art is that I am always intensely interested in mysterious , grotesque and gloomy things and have a strong desire to depict them .

  19. 叶灵凤小说运用中国古典文学创作的意境说,在浪漫主义外衣下更深入地体现人物的真实思想感情;神秘、幽冥的特征也使他的作品给人以想象的空间。

    The beautiful artistic conception reflected the real thoughts and feelings of characters in his novels . With writing romantic , mysterious , and the characteristics of the nether world , bringing imagination to people .

  20. 当灵魂渡过忘川,便忘却生前的种种,曾经的一切都留在了彼岸,往生者就踏着这花的指引通向幽冥之狱。

    When the soul through-forgotten , they had to forget all , everything has to stay in the other side , death to spend it on follow the guidelines of the prison to the dead .

  21. 它们的双翼扇动,空中布满了浮动的阴云;我们心中不肯平静的思想,离开栖身的巢,飞过幽冥的荒野,去追求形体。

    Beats of their wings fill the air with tremulous shadows , and sleepless thoughts in our minds leave their nests to take flight across the desert of dimness , in the passionate thirst for forms .

  22. 墓志是埋藏于大地之下幽冥之中的碑刻,它与棺椁一起置于墓中,起到标识墓主人身份的作用,在这个庞大的碑刻家族中它具有举足轻重的地位。

    The underground epitaph is a kind of inscriptions buried under the earth which was placed in the tomb with coffins , to mark the identity of the dead and its role in his / her family .

  23. 二者还充分利用花妖狐魅和幽冥世界所提供的超现实力量,突出地表现了作者理想的人物和生活境界,并给好人以美好的结果,给恶人以应得的惩罚。

    The two books also make use of the surrealistic power of the fox spirits and the nether world to present the ideal characters and life in which kind people deserve a good result and evil people deserve a punishment .

  24. 尽管他从来没有真正喜欢过布朗宁的诗,他还是在那时爱上了她。当这个杰出的诗人与他的诗幽冥终于不再时兴的时候,他感到如释重负般的轻松。

    He had fallen in love with her then , though he had never really enjoyed Browning , and it had been a relief to him when the Unseen , in company with its illustrious poet , had at last gone out of fashion .