
yōu mò xiǎo shuō
  • Humorous novel;humorous story;joke book
  1. 《V.》是美国当代作家、黑色幽默小说领军人物托马斯·品钦的第一部小说。

    Is the first novel by Thomas Pynchon , a contemporary American writer and one of the leading figures of American Black Humor .

  2. 中国讽刺幽默小说的三座高峰

    Three outstanding representatives of ironic humorous novels in Chinese history

  3. 幽默小说:品性与历史&米兰·昆德拉的启示

    On the Connotation and History of Humor Novel as an Aesthetic Term

  4. 中国现代讽刺幽默小说论纲

    An Outline of Modern Chinese Satirical and Humorous Novels

  5. 论米兰·昆德拉的幽默小说观

    On Milan Kundera 's Thoughts of Humor Fiction

  6. 本文将中国现代讽刺幽默小说荟萃起来加以综合研究。

    The author provides a comprehensive study of modern Chinese satirical and humorous novels .

  7. 但遗憾的是,迄今为止的黑色幽默小说研究恰恰在主题方面显出薄弱。

    But so far the study of the themes of black humor novels shows weak .

  8. 存在主义强调的荒诞更是成为黑色幽默小说的主题之一。

    Absurdityadvocated by existentialism comes to be one of the themes of black humor novels .

  9. 约瑟夫·海勒是美国黑色幽默小说的重要代表作家之一。

    Joseph Heller is one of the most important writers of Black Humor in America .

  10. 如果你一般读传记,那么你可以试一下虚幻小说或者幽默小说。

    If autobiographies are normally your thing , check out a Teen-Fiction novel or Humor piece .

  11. 语言游戏是黑色幽默小说所呈现的后现代语言特点。

    Gaming with language is one of the most prominent postmodern linguistic features of black humor novels .

  12. 荒诞派戏剧与黑色幽默小说比较研究

    On the Similarity and Difference Between the Drama of " Absurd Groups " and " Black Humor " Novels

  13. 后现代主义的重要流派黑色幽默小说,对美国文学以及整个20世纪的世界文学产生了巨大的影响。

    Black humor novel , the most important postmodern school , greatly influenced American literature in the 20th century .

  14. 鲁迅以其深刻的现代意识和独特的现代感受,创建了现代讽刺幽默小说;

    Luxun , based on his deep modern sense and unique modern experience , created modern ironic humorous novels .

  15. 《第二十二条军规》是约瑟夫·海勒的代表作品,也是黑色幽默小说的开山之作。

    Catch-22 , representative book of Joseph Heller , is regarded as the first and greatest canon of black humor .

  16. 他创作了11部黑色幽默小说,最后一部(《五个致命单词》)在今年四月出炉。

    He produced 11 blackly comic novels , the last of them ( " Five Deadly Words " ) this April .

  17. 在文学方面,江户时代见证了松尾芭蕉手中俳句的发展,还有匠心独具的喜剧式连环诗作及井原西鹤的幽默小说。

    In literature , Basho developed poetic forms later called haiku , and Ihara Saikaku composed virtuoso comic linked-verse and humorous novels .

  18. 他们的小说与西方的黑色幽默小说有直接的渊源关系。

    Their novels and those by the western writers by using " the black humor " are directly related from their origin .

  19. 同前辈相比,年轻一代的读者言语更尖锐,喜剧技巧也更纯熟,正是他们推助了幽默小说的发展。

    The younger generation of readers , who have ' sharper tongues and better comedy skills than their predecessors , ' has propelled these works .

  20. 我们发现,黑色幽默小说的荒诞性大致体现在三方面:文本推进过程,人物建构和小说人物的世界观。

    It is observed that Absurdity in black humor fictions is generated in three major cognitive aspects : text processing of narrative , character construct and world view .

  21. 文章在全面描述中国现代讽刺幽默小说发展演变轨迹的基础上,论述了它的审美特征、表现形态、语体风格及叙事方法。

    Based on a full portrait of the development and evolution of these novels he discusses their aesthetic features , forms of expression , types of writing and narrative methods .

  22. 荒诞性作为黑色幽默小说的基石,是由小说中恐怖的场景和幽默的表达方式之间的断裂在读者大脑中产生的一种认知现象。

    Absurdity as the cornerstone of black humor fictions is a cognitive phenomenon which is generated in the reader by the discontinuity between serious or even horrible situations and their humorous presentations .

  23. 诚如学者钱满素所言,黑色幽默小说虽然巅峰已过,但它在感知方式和表达方式上的特点还保持着深远的影响①。

    As scholar Qian Mansu puts it ," Although the peak of black humor novels has passed , they still have a profound impact on the perception and expression characteristics of novels " .

  24. 黑色幽默小说产生于上个世纪六十年代的美国,迅速红极一时,成为美国文学乃至世界文学中重要的文学流派。

    Content : The black humor is produced in the sixties of the last century in the United States , it rapidly become an important literary genre in American literature as well as world literature .

  25. 此外,黑色幽默小说的小说世界从模仿外部世界转向丰富的人物内心世界从另一方面前景化了小说世界的心理建构特点。

    Besides , the fictional worlds depicted in black humor fictions , which have transferred from the exterior turmoil to the intricate inner worlds of the characters , foreground the cognitive nature of the novels from another perspective .

  26. 黑色幽默小说是上世纪六十年代及七十年代初活跃于美国文坛的文学流派,九十年代仍有新作不断推出,对国内外文坛,包括中国当代小说,产生了深远的影响。

    Black humor fiction gained its popularity in American literature in the 1960s and early 1970s and was still flourishing in the 1990s of last century , which exerted worldwide influence on literature , including Chinese contemporary literature .

  27. 造成这些缺陷的原因在于,它是鲁迅应邀创作的幽默小说,且在创作时,鲁迅正处于较差的精神状态中。

    The causation of the defects about this work is that , it is a humor novel which created by LU Xun on invitation , and in the course of writing LU Xun was in worse state of spirt .

  28. 黑色幽默小说在表达混乱、从不同角度呈现或揭示一个处于各种混乱中的世界(乱世)等方面,在世界观上与熵的理论有着高度的契合和相当的自觉。

    In aspect of expressing " chaos " or revealing a variety of " chaos " in the world from a different angle , black humor novels appear high degree of correspondence with the theory of " Entropy " worldview .

  29. 研究结果上,结合熵的世界观考察和论证黑色幽默小说的思想价值,这样的角度和观点似乎尚属新见。

    Third , in sense of the results of the research , it appears to be the new point of view and see that the ideological value of black humor novels is studied and demonstrated by combining with " entropy " worldview .

  30. 将中国现代讽刺幽默小说荟萃,按照其演变发展的轨迹,评价鲁迅、老舍、钱钟书在中国现代讽刺幽默小说发展中的地位及其深刻的内在联系。

    This article lays emphasis on gathering ironic humorous novels and appraising the places occupied by Lu Xun , Lao She and Qian Zhongshu in Chinese histroy and their profound internal relations in the evolution and development of ironic and humorous novels .