
yōu gǔ
  • a deep and secluded valley;keep and secluded valley
幽谷 [yōu gǔ]
  • [keep and secluded valley] 幽静、深邃的山谷

幽谷[yōu gǔ]
  1. 所有的幽谷,都笼罩在繁茂的垂枝下。

    All the vales in their manifold windings shaded by the most delightful forests .

  2. 撕心裂肺的Echo迷失了道路去出没于山峡幽谷中重复从陌生人口中说出的任意感伤的话。

    Echo , devastated , wandered off to haunt canyons and glens , repeating random sentiments shouted by strangers .

  3. 特里•唐纳修是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)橄榄球队的总教练,而他的弟弟则是幽谷拱廊商场(theGlendaleGalleria)的开发商。

    Terry Donahue was the head football coach for UCLA , and his brother Dan was the developer for the Glendale Galleria .

  4. 蕨冈山狄兰·托马斯(DylanThomas)杨牧/译那时我年轻愚呆苹果树下无忧无虑枝枒环绕如歌的房屋我快乐和草一般绿,幽谷上方有的是满天星斗,时间容许我欢呼且攀爬在他眼神极盛的金光灿烂下,

    FERN HILL Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green , The night above the dingle starry , Time let me hail and climb Golden in the heydays of his eyes ,

  5. 河水穿过契普赛幽谷向前奔流。

    And a river flows on through the vale of Cheapside .

  6. 大冷山尽是奇峰幽谷,林海松涛。

    Cold Mountain is full of great piz Valley , Tao .

  7. 我想的是冰雪覆盖的深深幽谷;

    I think of deep glens , blocked with snow ;

  8. 总是在那幽谷中的小家周围点烛思乡。

    Was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen .

  9. 他们将在幽谷或密林里扎营。

    They would make their camps in hidden valleys or dense woods .

  10. 那些花园,还有那千香幽谷!”

    Those gardens , and theValley of the Thousand Perfumes !

  11. 当我经过死荫的幽谷,会离开吗?

    Through the deepest valley baby will you say goodbye ?

  12. 一条知识小溪从深壑幽谷中缓缓流过。

    A little stream of Knowledge trickled slowly through a deep worn gully .

  13. 就像幽谷的回声,记忆在某个时刻苏醒过来。

    On the glen echo , the memory revives likely in some time .

  14. 有树木的幽谷树木生长良好的狭窄溪谷;小山谷。

    A small , wooded valley ; a dell .

  15. 在它冉冉升起之际,下面的群山幽谷愈发显得幽暗了。

    for as it rose , the hills and valleys below grew dimmer .

  16. 我虽然行过死萌的幽谷,也不怕遭害。

    Even though I walk through the darkest valley , I fear no evil .

  17. 群山连绵,环抱幽谷。

    The hills sweep round the hidden valley .

  18. 这位出自幽谷的姑娘有根基。

    This daughter of the shadows was thoroughbred .

  19. 她每天傍晚都会一个人到幽谷散步。

    She would go to the secluded valley for a walk every day at nightfall .

  20. 幽谷的农舍里

    At the cottage in the glen .

  21. 堕落到死荫的幽谷。

    Fell to the valley of death .

  22. 幽谷养老院是安全的地方。

    Whispering gien is a safe facility .

  23. 他清楚地看到自己此刻正在死荫的幽谷之中。

    He saw , cleared eyed , that he was in the Valley of the Shadow .

  24. 高地、空地、幽谷上它们灿烂的微笑全不见。

    And the brightness of their smile was gone , from upland , glade , and glen .

  25. 七百年以前有七只白鸽,从幽谷里飞上高山的雪峰。

    Seven centuries ago seven white doves rose from a deep valley flying to the snow-white summit of the mountain .

  26. 引我们达到认识神更深的路,是要经过灵里贫穷孤寂的幽谷和弃绝一切外物。

    The way to deeper knowledge of God is through the lonely valleys of soul poverty and abnegation of all things .

  27. 然而,这信心却带领他经过死荫的幽谷,去到旧约的先贤那里,与亚伯拉罕共聚一堂。

    But that faith carried him through the valley into the presence of the Old Testament saints , gathered together with Abraham .

  28. 爱下抵地面,上达最高的星辰,它是谦虚的幽谷,也是狂喜的山巅。

    Love is down to earth and it reaches to the highest star ; it is the valley of humility and the mountaintop of ecstasy .

  29. 站在黄石寨顶东南俯视左侧,只见数十座石峰构成的幽谷。

    Standing at the southeast top of Huangshi Village and looking at your left , you could see tens of dells made of stone peaks .

  30. 论贬谪时期张说诗歌创作心态的演变历程生命幽谷的探寻&浅析诗歌创作的心理历程

    On the mental status of Zhang Shuo in his works during the banishing age Glen Life Search & Analysis of the Psychological Process of Poetry