
  1. 纵观这些民族的建国神话,天是造物主,是神,是宇宙万物的创造者,宇宙万物得以生存都是因为天的恩泽。

    Among these myths , sky is the creator , the supreme beings , and also the maker of the universe .

  2. 族源神话反映了人类始祖的起源,尤其是建国神话更体现了一个民族的始祖的诞生及其国家的形成过程。

    Origin myth reflects the origins of human ancestors , particularly the founding of the myth but also reflects the ancestor of the birth of a nation and its formation process of the country .

  3. 从朝鲜民族和满族的建国神话及始祖神话中可以看到,两个民族的原始信仰最初表现为对天的崇拜,同时因鸟作为天界与人世间来回的使者而被崇拜。

    From the Manchu and ancestor of the founding of the Korean nation and can be seen in the myth , human primitive beliefs first manifested on the day of worship , and bird as the Angel of the day room and was worshipped .