
  1. EPC模式下通信建设工程项目风险管理研究

    Risk Management Research of Communications Construction Project under EPC Mode

  2. 建设工程项目风险管理研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of Risk Management on Construction Engineering

  3. 改进的层次分析法在重大建设工程项目风险识别中的应用

    An Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process and its Application to Risk Identification of Important Project

  4. 其次,在风险因素应对阶段,探讨各种常见的建设工程项目风险因素的处理措施。

    The response phase , the risk factors and explore measures to deal with a variety of construction projects to invest in risk factors .

  5. 如:构成风险的三要素:风险因素、风险事件、损失;建设工程项目风险五大类型:技术风险、市场风险、管理风险、经济风险及环境风险。

    For example , risk factors , risk events , loss . Type of construction project risk is five categories : technical risk , market risk , management risk , economic risk and environmental risk .

  6. 从我国建设工程项目风险管理现状、存在的问题、完善措施等三大方面进行阐述,为下一章具体项目工程实际操作过程中风险的防范和处理措施提供借鉴方法。

    It was described from three aspects : the Status of the Construction Project Risk Management of our country , problems , perfect measures to provide reference method for specific project risks during the actual operation of the prevention and treatment .

  7. 随后,从风险识别的特点、原则和过程入手,讨论了建设工程项目风险识别的方法,并从定性和定量两个方面,探讨了建设项目风险评估与分析的一般方法。

    Subsequently , from the characteristics , principles and the process of risk identification , risk identification methods of the construction projects are discussed , and we probe the general approach of construction project risk assessment and analysis in qualitative and quantitative aspects .

  8. 这一部分通过阐述建设工程项目风险的概念与特征,建设工程项目风险的构成要素及其类型,建设工程项目风险管理的价值分析等进一步界定工程项目风险本身的具体内涵及内部结构。

    This part of the project involving the construction of the concept of risk and characteristics , construction project risks and types of elements , value analysis of the Construction Project Risk Management to define the contents and structures of the project risk itself .

  9. 这些研究和经验的总结对于我国其它企业在EPC模式下从事跨国建设工程项目的风险管理分析和研究有抛砖引玉的作用。

    These studies and our experience for other enterprises in China engaged in EPC mode multinational construction project risk management analysis and research on this subject .

  10. 电力建设工程项目承包风险评价及对策研究

    The risk evaluation and countermeasures research of thermal power construction engineering project contract

  11. 最后阐述了针对大型建设工程项目的风险控制的具体措施。

    At last , the paper expatiates the specific measures aiming at the risk control of big construction projects .

  12. 电力建设工程项目的安全风险源的识别和施工现场安全评价是电力建设工程项目安全管理的重要环节。

    Safety risk source identification of power construction projects and construction site safety evaluations of the power are the important parts of construction project safety management .

  13. 现实生活中,建设工程项目面临着很多风险。

    Engineering project risk is very popular in reallife .

  14. 为有效降低和规避这些威胁的发生,保证建设项目按计划进行,以获取预期的社会、经济及环境效益,就必须对建设工程项目风险进行有效的管理与控制。

    In order to effectively reducing and avoiding these threats , ensuring that construction projects going as planed and obtaining the expected social , economic and environmental benefits , it is necessary for effective managing and controlling of construction project risk .