
  • 网络argillo calcareous;marlaceous
  1. 三峡库区三叠系巴东组(T2b)泥灰质岩石岩溶是移民迁建中发现的重大工程地质问题。

    The karst in mud limestone of Triassic Badong formation ( T_2b ) is the serious engineering geological problem newly discovered in the population resettlement project in the Three Gorges Reservoir region .

  2. 三峡地区泥灰质岩石在岩溶和风化过程中力学性质的变化

    Variation of mechanical property of marlite in process of karstification and weathering in Three Gorges Region

  3. 泥灰质岩石区几种岩溶地貌形态及成因探讨&以三峡地区为例

    Types of karst landform in mud limestone terrain and their genesis & a case study from Three-Gorge region

  4. 三峡地区泥灰质岩石的岩溶问题是新近发现的重大工程地质问题。

    The newly discovered karst problem of marlite in Three Gorges region is an important problem in engineering geology .

  5. 三峡地区泥灰质岩石斜坡带岩溶作用及其对工程稳定性的影响

    Karst Process and Its Impact on Construction Stability of the Slope Terrain within Muddy Limestone in the Three Gorges Region

  6. 河谷斜坡带泥灰质岩石区地貌对岩溶的控制机理&以三峡地区为例

    Mechanism of landform control over karstification in mud limestone area along valley slope zone A case study from Three Gorges region

  7. 建议对三峡地区泥灰质岩石斜坡带岩溶进行深入研究。

    It is suggested that the karst in slope terrain within mud limestone in Three Gorges region should be investigated in detail .

  8. 上段以黑灰色(风化后为浅灰色)含硅炭板岩和泥灰质含炭板岩为主。

    The upper member of the Lujiaping Formation is mainly dark slate , light gray-green ( after weathering ) sericitized slate , and silt slate .

  9. 研究泥灰质岩石区地貌对岩溶的控制机理是弄清岩溶过程的出发点。

    The research on the mechanism of the landform control over karstification in mud limestone area was the starting point of clarification of karst process .

  10. 三峡地区泥灰质岩石中几种表生构造及其与地质灾害的关系煤层覆岩是具有构造记忆的构造岩体,是采动损害这种特殊的表生构造变形的构造介质;

    The overburden of coal seam is a kind of structural rock body with " structure memory " and the structural medium of environment hazards related to coal mining that is a type of special ground tectonic deformation .

  11. 夹层类型主要有泥岩夹层、粉砂质泥岩夹层、灰质夹层、泥灰质夹层和砾石质夹层5种。以泥岩为主,夹砂岩的地层也可能是油气层。

    The intercalations are divided into five types , such as muddy intercalation , silty intercalation , calcareous intercalation , marly intercalation , and gravel intercalation . A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation .

  12. 高压旋喷止水帷幕在粉细砂层中的实施及探索夹层类型主要有泥岩夹层、粉砂质泥岩夹层、灰质夹层、泥灰质夹层和砾石质夹层5种。

    Implementation and Exploration Regarding Swirl Ejection Water Retaining Curtain Technology in the Underground Fine Sand Layer The intercalations are divided into five types , such as muddy intercalation , silty intercalation , calcareous intercalation , marly intercalation , and gravel intercalation .

  13. 镜下显示,条带常为规则的泥质、泥灰质薄层或不规则的泥质团块。

    The microscopic features showed that ribbon limestone was usually comprised by regular thin mud bed and irregular marl crumb .