
  • 网络building construction management
  1. 对建筑工程管理专业教学计划制定中若干问题的思考

    Consideration on Several Questions in Making Teaching Plan for Architectural Engineering Management Specialty

  2. 高职建筑工程管理专业担负着向建筑生产一线输送技术应用性人才的任务,在培养目标上,应抓住素质教育、创新教育、专业教育等核心问题。

    The architectural engineering management specialty in higher vocational education is responsible for the task of cultivating technique application talents for the frontier of architectural production , and the cultivation objectives should grasp the core problems such as quality education , innovation education and specialization education .

  3. 浅谈建筑工程管理本科专业的教学改革

    Teaching Reform on Engineering Management

  4. 基于工作过程化为导向的职业教育课程体系构建&分析高职建筑工程造价管理专业

    Construction of vocational education course system based on operating process by analyzing architectural construction cost management major

  5. 同济大学楼宇设备工程与管理系根据建筑设备工程与管理专业的特点,对毕业实习进行了改革。

    The reforming of graduation has been tried on building services engineering course in the department of buiding services engineering and management , Tongji University .

  6. 土木建筑、工程管理等相关专业学士学位;

    Bachelor degree major in civil work , engineering management ;