
  • 网络Constructive communication;Positive Communication
  1. 直线经理只要明确了绩效反馈面谈的目的,做好绩效反馈面谈的计划,选择适当的面谈策略,学会使用建设性沟通技巧,就能走出绩效反馈面谈的困境。

    Only are straight manage clear about the purpose of discussing result feedback face to face , do well plan , choose adequate strategy , use positive connecting way , can they get out of the difficulties about discuss result feedback face to face .

  2. 我认为我们双方都同意,继续进行坦诚和建设性的对话和沟通对于决定我们今后多年的关系至关重要。

    I think both of us agree that continuous and candid and constructive conversation and communication is critically important to shaping our relationship for years to come .

  3. 藉由课堂讨论的方式,可激发脑中从未探索过的思绪与环结,像这样具有积极建设性的评论与沟通,可望唤醒沈睡中的天才,引导创造出源源不绝的独创想法。

    Classroom discussions are expected to prick previously untouched nodes of the brain . Ideally , constructive criticism will awaken slumbering geniuses and produce a flowering of original thought .