
kāi fànɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • open system
  1. 从开放系统的角度分析了Web服务的各层协议。

    Each protocol of Web Services is analyzed from the view of open system .

  2. 国产开放系统平台Java及时编译器的设计与实现

    Java just in time compiler for Chinese open system

  3. 基于EDI概念模型的EDI开放系统

    The EDI open system based on EDI conceptual model

  4. 其结果解决了开放系统中为支持QoS所引起的诸如系统各层中缺乏QoS的协调表达等一些重要问题。

    The scheme addresses common problems found in open systems supporting QoS guarantees , such as lack of harmony QoS expressiveness , ect .

  5. 对开放系统互联OSI有关重要概念的分析

    An Analysis of the Important OSI-Related Concepts

  6. 基于RISC的开放系统

    An open system based on RISC

  7. 不可否认服务(Non-RepudiationService)是开放系统互联参考模型安全体系结构标准ISO/IEC7498-2中描述的五种安全服务之一。

    Non-repudiation service is one of the five security services described in ISO / IEC 7498-2 which is known as Security Architecture of Open Systems Interconnection-Basic Reference Model .

  8. 采用异步I/O访问模式,缓冲I/O及双重缓冲区等优化方法,提高了系统运行性能,使得大型机与开放系统对SAN的磁盘子系统的存储共享效率更高。

    We have designed several optimizing technologies , such as asynchronous I / O mode , I / O buffering and double buffers . They make the system more efficient to share the SAN storage sub-system .

  9. 通过分析开放系统的特点和安全需求,探明了开放系统安全性应包括三个方面:通信安全性(在OSI通信安全性的基础上进行扩充)、端系统安全性和管理安全性。

    From the features and requirements of open system , it is deduced that open system security contains three aspects : communication security , end-sysytem security and management security .

  10. 知识型团队是组织进行知识创造的理想场所或者Ba,在开放系统下团队内外部的知识转移能力很大程度上决定了知识创造结果。

    Knowledge team is an ideal place or " Ba " to create knowledge , however under the open system , team 's ability to transfer knowledge from the inside and outside determines the outcome of knowledge creation .

  11. 开放系统互连(OSI)的概念与技术的普及,使声称遵循OSI协议标准的产品陆续问世。

    As the concept and technology of Open Systems Interconnection ( OSI ) are being widely accepted , the products which are claimed to conform OSI protocols standards are entering into marketplace .

  12. 为了鼓励开放系统和跨平台的开发,JTOpen免费发布并且开放源代码。

    To encourage open systems and cross-platform development , JTOpen is distributed for free and is open source .

  13. 介绍了在WinSock中注册传输协议及协议的分层和WinSock的开放系统结构及如何在应用程序中同时使用多个传输协议。

    The paper mainly introduces how to register transmission protocol and distinguish the protocol in WinSock , and introduces the WinSock 's opening system structure and how to use much more transmission protocols in an application program at the same time ;

  14. 本文主要讨论了合作网络技术及开放系统与图书馆自动化发展战略的关系,并且介绍了CISC/RISC,Unix.ISO/OSI及综合计算环境的概念。

    The relation between cooperation network technology and open system with developmental strategy of library automation are discussed in this paper . With the concept of CISC / RISC , Unix , ISO / OSI and comprehensive computing environment are presented .

  15. 开放系统大滞后温场控制技术研究

    Research on Long Delayed Temperature Field Control Technology of Open System

  16. 开放系统环境中全局安全系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Global Security System in Open System Environment

  17. 组织、生态和开放系统的复杂性研究

    Research for Complexity of Organization , Ecology , and Open System

  18. 用JAVA/CORBA构筑新型的企业分布开放系统

    Using JAVA / CORBA to Construct Distributed Open Systems for Enterprises

  19. 开放系统技术的探讨潜艇疏水系统分析研究

    Research on Open System The analysis on the drain system in submarine

  20. 基于服务运营开放系统的服务企业柔性管理

    Flexible Management of Service Enterprise Based on Open System of Service Operation

  21. 基于开放系统的远程自动测试系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Remote Automatic Test System Based on Open System

  22. 开放系统与图书馆自动化发展战略

    Discussion on open system and developmental strategy of Library Automation

  23. 开放系统、负熵与界限沟通者&组织传播视野中的中海油竞购优尼科事件

    Open system , Negative entropy And Boundary communication role

  24. 新一代开放系统及互操作性研究

    Study on Next Generation Open System and Its Interoperability

  25. 单元开放系统热力学公式的研究

    The Study of Thermodynamics Expressions in Cell Open System

  26. 地球是一个巨大的开放系统。

    The earth is a huge opening system .

  27. 开放系统互连环境下馆际互借协议的国际标准

    Brief introduction of international standard on the interlibrary loan protocol in the OSI environment

  28. 火灾作为一个开放系统必然受到自然现象的影响,其中气象因素对火灾的发生、防治和损失控制方面有着重要的影响。

    Fire , as an open system , will be undoubtedly affected by weather .

  29. 采用显式有限元方法求解开放系统动力响应的主要环节和问题

    Problems in numerical solution of complex open system by using explicit finite element method

  30. 本文关于集成和开放系统特性的其他信息。

    The rest of this article focuses on the integrated and open system characteristics .