
  • 网络Unpacking;Unboxing;unbox;mini;sony
  1. Wraprage或packagerage均指遇到很难打开的物品包装时不断加剧的愤怒和挫败感,即“包装怒”或“开箱怒”。

    Wrap rage , also called package rage , is the common name for heightened levels of anger and frustration1 resulting from the inability to open hard-to-open packaging .

  2. Unboxing指打开新购买物品的外包装,检查其特性,并拍照或拍成视频分享到社交媒体网站的行为,即“开箱晒单”。

    Unboxing is an act or instance of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging and examining its features , typically when filmed and shared on a social media site .

  3. 这一行为背后的理念是,在你跟别人分享你的度假行程时,从开始预订到行程结束开箱收拾东西,你在旅行过程中的愉悦感会得到延长。

    The idea is that by communicating your plans to others , from the point you book through to unpacking1 your suitcase when it 's all over , you 'll prolong your enjoyment2 for as long as possible .

  4. 本文将使用标准的、开箱即用的WebPart。

    This article uses standard , out-of-the-box Web Parts .

  5. 为API提供了开箱即用的示例代码和文档。

    Out-of-the-box sample code and documentation are provided for the APIs .

  6. 他们设想的仅仅是一个能够开箱即用的包装好的PC通信产品。

    They envisioned a shrink-wrapped PC communications product that would run right out of the box .

  7. 虽然我们还有更多的工作要做,但是我们已经在提高可用性和‘开箱即用’(outofthebox)经验方面取得了进展。

    While we have more to do , we have made progress in improving usability and'out of the box'experience .

  8. Eclipse缺少开箱即用的安全性。

    Eclipse lacks security out of the box .

  9. 对于本机存储在DB2中的XML文档,不存在用于执行子文档更新的开箱即用的功能。

    For XML documents stored natively in DB2 , there is no out-of-the-box functionality for performing sub-document updates .

  10. 为了比较和对比增强,在图25中,我们显示了开箱即用的DocumentListCoachView。

    In order to compare and contrast the enhancements , in Figure 25 we show the out-of-the-box Document List Coach View .

  11. 尽管REST并没有明确的规范来规定如何实现它,但是对REST的开箱即用支持越来越多了。

    Although REST doesn 't have an exact specification for how to implement it , out-of-the-box support for REST is increasing .

  12. 这些组件提供开箱即用的功能,可以用它们构建HTML控件并响应事件。

    These components provide out-of-the-box functions that let you build HTML controls and respond to events .

  13. 该产品提供开箱即用的Web2.0功能以及丰富的UI特性。

    The product provides ready-to-use Web2.0 capabilities with rich UI features .

  14. General和Restricted角色样例可开箱即用。但您可以自定义最适合您组织需求的垂直角色。

    The sample General and Restricted roles are provided out-of-the-box , yet you can create custom vertical roles that best suit your organization 's needs .

  15. 另外,ESB脚本定义JMS资源,这些资源使与BusinessEvents相关的工件能够以开箱即用的方式运行。

    In addition , the ESB script defines the JMS resources that enable the Business Events related artifacts to run out-of-the-box .

  16. 新的Web感观(开箱即用式)和新的实用特性使RAP应用程序对终端用户更具吸引力。

    A new out-of-the-box Web-style look and feel and new usability features make RAP applications more attractive to end users .

  17. 它们都没有在诸如Ant、Maven或Eclipse之类的产品中具有广泛的开箱即用支持。

    None have broad out-of-the-box support in products like Ant , Maven , or Eclipse .

  18. 操作系统本身包括一些好的开箱即用监控选项,比如Linux上的top和Windows上的TaskMonitor。

    The operating systems themselves include some good monitoring options out of the box , such as top on Linux and Task Monitor on Windows .

  19. SupportInfrastructure集群:这是开箱即用监控组件处理BPMN流程生成的跟踪事件的位置。

    Support Infrastructure cluster : This is where the out-of-the-box monitoring components process the tracking events produced by the BPMN processes .

  20. 在可用性方面,该项目提供大多数从Windows转到Linux的新用户们所希望的新操作系统能够开箱即用的技术支持。

    In terms of usability , the project offers out-of-the-box support for many technologies most Windows-to-Linux migrants would expect from their new operating system .

  21. 这由开箱即用的tomcat服务器实例提供支持。

    This is supported by the out-of-box tomcat server instance .

  22. 有些情况下,开箱即用的SQL可被一个根据特定业务需求定制的SQL代替。

    In some cases , the out-of-the-box SQL should replaced by a customized SQL based on the specific business requirements .

  23. 类似于OSGi的框架给了你这些开箱即用的变化机制。

    Frameworks like OSGi give you these variation mechanisms out of the box .

  24. 优点:上手容易,特别是商业版,卓越的统一配置实用程序;非常友好的“开箱即用”的数十种语言的支持;liveCD安装光盘

    Pros : Beginner-friendly , especially the commercial edition ; excellent central configuration utility ; very good out-of-the-box support for dozens of languages ; installable live CD

  25. 它提供开箱即用的应用程序,比如企业资源管理或工厂工程管理。不管您身居何处,都可以从Web浏览器访问这个应用程序。

    It provides a complete turnkey application , such as enterprise resource management or plant engineering management , that you can access from a Web browser no matter where you are located .

  26. MDMServer提供800多个开箱即用的业务服务,支持管理和维护主数据所需的各种操作。

    The MDM Server provides more than 800 business services supporting simple and complex operations to manage and maintain master data out-of-the-box .

  27. 可以使用在安装WebSphereProcessServer时开箱即用的FailedEventManager应用程序查看、修改请求并重新提交失败事件。

    You can use the Failed Event Manager application that comes out-of-the-box when Process Server is installed to view , modify request data , and resubmit the failed events .

  28. 支持开箱即用的portlet认证

    Support for portlet authentication out-of-the-box

  29. 基于开箱即用的原则,ADFS2.0能够从存储在LDAP目录和SQL仓库的信息中发布声明。

    Out of the box , ADFS v2 can issue claims from information stored in LDAP directories and SQL repositories .

  30. IBMCognosBI开箱即用的标准审计特性涵盖了操作的很多方面。

    The standard auditing features that come out of the box with IBM Cognos BI cover many aspects of operation .