
gōng jiàn
  • bow and arrow
弓箭[gōng jiàn]
  1. 他佩带着弓箭。

    He was armed with a bow and arrow .

  2. 他用弓箭打猎。

    He hunted with bow and arrow .

  3. 其中一些袭击者身背弓箭。

    Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows .

  4. 佩带弓箭和长矛的武士闯入了他们的村庄。

    Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages .

  5. 车辚辚,马萧萧,行人弓箭各在腰。(杜甫《兵车行》)

    Chariots rumbling , horses neighing ; | soldiers on the march , each with a bow and arrow at the waist .

  6. 一天早上,吴王正在御花园中散步,突然他看见太子手持弓箭,全身湿淋淋地走来。

    One day when he was walking in his garden , he saw the prince come , soaking wet , with his bow and arrows .

  7. 他至死仍以为这张30斤重的弓箭,有90斤那么重。无论是事实上的30斤,还是被说成是90斤,可他图慕虚荣,牺牲的却是真理。

    Though he only used a thirty-jin bow , till the end of his life he believed that it weighed ninety , It was thirty in fact , and ninety only in name , but for the sake of the empty name he sacrificed the truth .

  8. 渲王喜爱射箭,喜欢听到别人夸他是个出色的射手,可他的弓箭只不过重30斤。每当他向随从炫耀那弯弓,他们都假装很吃力地拉开弓,尽管他们仅用了一半的力气。

    King Xuan was fond of shooting an arrow and liked to be boasted as a powerful bowman he was , although he could draw no bow heavier than thirty jin , When he showed is bow to his attendants , they pretended to try to draw it , but only bent1 it to half its full extent .

  9. 据菲利普说,澳利亚和新西兰的试验室的DNA测试证实弓箭并非取材于库克的遗骨,而更可能来自动物的骨头。

    DNA testing by laboratories in Australia and New Zealand revealed the arrow was not made of Cook 's bone but was more likely made of animal bone , said Philp .

  10. 在超过35个现成的iphone游戏中,你可以拉开弓箭瞄准目标射出虚拟之箭。

    You can draw back the bow to shoot a virtual arrow at targets in more than 35 off-the-shelf iPhone games .

  11. 结果表明:化学灭鼠剂磷化锌、敌鼠钠盐、溴敌隆随毒性的降低其防治效果明显下降,生物灭鼠剂C型肉毒素和弓箭法防治高原鼢鼠不仅效果较好,而且效率比较稳定。

    It is indicated that the control effectiveness of third-generation chemical rodenticide was declined with the decreasing toxicity , while biological rodenticide Botulin Model C and arrow method gave good performance with stable effectiveness .

  12. NBC体育集团董事长马克说,“饥饿游戏”极大地使一些年轻人对弓箭产生了兴趣。

    NBC Sports Group Chairman Mark Lazarus attributed the interest in part to the popularity of " TheHunger Games " getting young people interested in bows and arrows .

  13. 这个金沙遗址虽然不包含有三星堆遗址中出土的青铜器,但是在里面发现了一个金皇冠,上面雕刻有鱼,弓箭和鸟,这与三星堆中发现的金物体相似,Keller说。

    TheJinsha site , though it contained none of the impressive bronzes of Sanxingdui , did have a gold crown with a similar engraved motif of fish , arrows and birdsas a golden staff found at Sanxingdui , Keller said .

  14. 另一款游戏中,玩家可以扮演弓箭手,通过手中的显示屏将弓箭对准电视屏幕上的袭击者,同时还可以与其他玩家一起挥动手中的wii控制器,也就是挥动手中的“剑”来击退怪兽。

    In another game , a player takes on the role of a Bowman and uses the hand-held monitor to aim arrows at attackers on the TV screen while working in tandem with other players wielding the original Wii controllers as swords to fend off monsters .

  15. 瑞典召回中国弓箭玩具欧盟预警中国危险玩具

    Sweden recall Chinese arrow toys and EU forewarn Chinese dangerous toys

  16. 找一家有反曲弓知识的弓箭零售商。

    Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge .

  17. 觉得朴实无华的木制弓箭难当大任么?

    Plain old wooden arrows just not getting the job done ?

  18. 弓箭很早以前就没人使用了。

    Bows and arrows have long since been out of use .

  19. 平民们通常使用弓箭进行狩猎,装备猎弓和短刀。

    Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting .

  20. 一朵花一把剑一个小孩一副弓箭答案:D

    A.A flower B.A sword C.A child D.A bow and a arrow

  21. 清代满族弓箭的制作及管理

    The Manufacture and Management of Bow and Arrow in Qing Dynasty

  22. 他除了弓箭之外,别无所有。

    He owned not much more than his bow and arrows .

  23. 就这把弓箭,这叫霸王弓。

    This set of bow and arrow is called Bawa Crossbow .

  24. 从印第安土著人的弓箭讲起,

    Start the story with the arrows of the Native Americans ,

  25. 你用弓箭扳倒坏人

    You take out bad guys with a bow and arrow .

  26. 造箭的弓匠擅长于调直弓箭;

    Makers of bows and arrows are good at straightening their arrows .

  27. 因为古代的弓箭在这个距离之内杀伤力是最强的。

    An ancient arrow shot within this range would be most powerful .

  28. 不要把弓箭作为行李。

    Don 't try to take arrows as hand luggage .

  29. 同时他们会向我们扔石头,并且弓箭会像羽毛一样插满我们全身。

    While they drop stones on us and feather us with arrows .

  30. 好的,我们现在从弓箭转向了

    Oh . Ok , so now we switch from arrows