
  1. 中国驻欧盟使团团长张明表示,中国跃升为欧盟第一大贸易伙伴,充分体现了中欧经贸合作的强劲韧性。

    The surge in China-EU trade fully speaks for the strong resilience of China-EU economic and trade cooperation .

  2. 北京世界经济与政治研究所(instituteofworldeconomicsandpolitics)研究员张明指出,由于缺乏经验和政治上的反对,中国公司走向海外时必然会遇到问题。

    Zhang Ming , a researcher at the Institute of world economics and politics in Beijing , said Chinese companies would inevitably face problems as they go overseas because of lack of experience and political opposition .

  3. 我是华亭宾馆的接待员张明。

    This is Zhang Ming , a receptionist from Huating Hotel .

  4. 创新研究群体:吴健张明高萧佐董庆生焦培南甄卫民赵振维王先义张东和李清亮许正文研究方向:空间天气对综合孔径雷达性能影响的理论研究

    The impact of space weather on performance of synthetic aperture radars

  5. 张明。他是最令人激动的运动员。

    Zhang Ming . He is the most exciting player .

  6. 张明说道:今天学习我们课文。

    Zhang Ming said , today we learn the text .

  7. 同学张明昨天打架了。

    My classmate Zhangming got into a fight yesterday .

  8. 你要嫁给张明吗?绝对不行!

    Are you going to marry Zhang Ming ? Not on your life !

  9. 张明为路易斯预定了一个房间。

    Zhang Ming booked a room for Louis .

  10. 张明已中学毕业了。

    Zhang Ming has left middle school .

  11. 张明可能知道她在哪儿。

    Zhang Ming may she is .

  12. 张明(音译)是黑龙江省陆海通道国际货物运输代理有限责任公司的副总经理。

    Zhang Ming , deputy general manager of the Heilongjiang Land-Sea Route International Freight Forwarding Corporation .

  13. 张明,奥斯丁德克萨斯大学区域规划助理教授。

    Ming Zhang is Assistant Professor of Community & Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin .

  14. 老师在课堂上表扬张明有骨气,这倒把张明给搞糊涂了。

    Zhang Ming was completely taken aback when the teacher praised him in the class by saying that he had the guts .

  15. “事实上,上个大学什么都不能保证,”张明说。作为一名政治学家,他批评中国教育制度也是直言不讳。

    " College essentially provided them with nothing ," said Zhang Ming , a political scientist and vocal critic of China 's education system .

  16. 夏斌的观点得到中国社科院研究员张明的呼应。社科院是中国的顶级官方智库,位于北京。

    His view was echoed by Zhang Ming , a researcher in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , a top government think-tank in Beijing .

  17. 张明称,在此期间,医院仅支付医疗费及部分往返费,而拒绝赔礼道歉且不进行赔偿。

    Zhang Ming said that in this period , the hospital only for medical expenses and some travel costs , and refused an apology without compensation .

  18. 我叫张明,是南京进出口公司的。

    Yes , there are lots of them such as Terracotta Army , Huaqing Pool . I am Zhang Ming from Nanjing Import and Export Corporation .

  19. 因为他们几个人让电玩城一直亏损,李斌怀疑张明几人从中做了手脚套电玩城的钱。

    Because the city has been a few people for game loss , Bin Zhang a few people suspected tampered sets video game from the city money .

  20. 刚才的同学张明给做了一次演讲,我他做得很不错,我想听一听同学对它的意见。

    Just now our classmate Zhang Ming gave us a lecture , I think it is well done , I 'd like to ask for some students'opinion on it .

  21. 因为张明之前在电玩城赢的钱没有清完,李斌就以此为借口让张明到电玩城来。

    Zhang city because in the video game before there is no clear end to win the money , Bin Zhang on this as an excuse to allow the city to gaming .

  22. 中国社科院经济学家张明表示:“如果采取所有这些措施之后市场没有攀升,那就意味着投资者已经对政府失去信心。”

    Zhang Ming , an economist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , said : " If the market doesn 't climb after all these measures , it means investors have lost confidence in the government . "