
  • 网络flexible coupling;Spring Coupling;FACH-L
  1. 新型嵌入式弹性联轴器的动力特性分析

    Dynamic character analysis of a new type embedded flexible coupling

  2. 活齿橡胶板弹性联轴器粘接强度计算

    Gluing Strength Calculation for Flexible Coupling with Movable Teeth and Rubber Sheets

  3. LN芯型弹性联轴器系列结构参数的优化分析

    An Optimum Analysis on Serial Structure Factors of LN Core-Type Elastic Coupling

  4. NL系列弹性联轴器玻璃纤维增强尼龙66内齿套的研制

    Development of glass fiber reinforced nylon 66 inner gear sleeve in NL series elastic shaft coupling

  5. ML4型梅花弹性联轴器的应用

    An application of ml_4 & type flexible plum blossom coupling

  6. 本文对LN芯型弹性联轴器系列结构尺寸(国标报批搞)进行了优化分析,根据联轴器结构参数特点,编制了多层次复合形法的计算机程序,有效地处理了离散变量问题。

    In the paper an optimum analysis is made on the serial structure sizes of LN Core-Type Elastic Coupling . Based on the characters of the coupling structure factors the computer programme of Multi-Levels Complex Method was drawn up to deal with the problem of discrete variables efficiently .

  7. 橡胶套筒弹性联轴器扭振动态特性计算

    Calculation on torsional vibration dynamic characteristics of rubber sleeve elastic coupling

  8. 弹性联轴器动刚度测试系统研究

    Research on the system of measuring kinetic stiffness of elastic coupling

  9. 舰船高弹性联轴器的应用及发展趋势分析

    Survey of development and application of highly flexible couplings on ships

  10. 塑料合金高弹性联轴器试验台的开发研究

    The exploitation and study of plastic alloy high-elastic coupling test rig

  11. 芯型弹性联轴器台架试验报告

    A Report on the Test of the Core-Type Elastic Coupling

  12. 大挠度弹性联轴器的阻尼耗能特性、建模及参数识别

    Damping energy characteristics , modelling and parameters identification for highly flexible coupling

  13. 弹性联轴器对动力传动系统扭振特性影响研究

    Torsional vibration characteristic of powertrain equipped with different elastic couplings

  14. GB/T5272-1985梅花形弹性联轴器采用梅花形注射点氯丙嗪肌注的研究

    Study of Chlorpromazine with Intramuscular Injection at Plum-blossom-shape Injection Point

  15. 装有弹性联轴器(压缩型)的轴系统振动分析

    An Analysis of the Vibrations of the shaft System with Elastic Coupling

  16. 新型球、锥轴瓦式弹性联轴器

    Springy coupling with new type ball cone shaft and bearing

  17. 钢丝绳弹性联轴器特性建模

    Modeling for the characteristics of flexible wire rope couplings

  18. 膨化结晶罐爪形弹性联轴器改进

    Improvement of Claw Elastic Coupling in Expansion Crystalline Pot

  19. 活齿橡胶板弹性联轴器的结构与刚度计算

    Structure and Rigidity Calculation of Flexible Coupling with Movable Teeth and Rubber Plates

  20. 回转系统中弹性联轴器的动态性能分析与研究

    The research about dynamic characteristics of the elastic coupling in the circumgyration system

  21. 弹性联轴器对辊道冲击扭矩的衰减效果研究

    Study on the reduction of impulsive torque to the roller by spring coupling

  22. 一种新型弹性联轴器的设计

    Design of a new type of elastic shaft couplings

  23. 弹性联轴器动态特性的试验研究

    The Research of Dynamic Characteristic of the Elastic Coupling

  24. 较长轴向联接长度的精密弹性联轴器的设计

    The Design of the Precise Elastic Coupling with the Longer Length in Axis

  25. 车用内燃机试验台架高弹性联轴器的设计

    The Design of the High Elastic Coupling Used in Vehicle Engine Test Bed

  26. 高弹性联轴器及其在舰船和陆用动力装置中的应用

    The Highly Elastic Coupling and Its Application in Marine and Land Based Power Plant

  27. 高弹性联轴器橡胶弹性元件轴向力仿真分析

    The Simulation Analysis of Axial Force of the Highly Flexible Coupling 's Rubber Element

  28. 某高速船高弹性联轴器断裂原因分析

    Analyzing the Reasons Why the Highly Flexible Coupling for a High Speed Vessel Breaks

  29. 弹性联轴器弹簧片扭曲变形原因分析及对策

    Cause Analysis of the Distortion of the Spring Laminations of Flexible Couplings and Countermeasures

  30. 弹性联轴器对柴油机输出转矩不均匀性衰减研究

    Study on nonuniformity degradation of output torsion of diesel engine affected by elastic coupling