
  1. 跨国公司(TNCs)在当代世界经济有着举足轻重的作用。

    TNCs play a vital role in modern world economy .

  2. 外商直接投资发展迅速,投资全球化已成为当代世界经济全球化发展显著的特征之一,FDI作为资本和技术等要素的重要载体,其对于中国经济发展的重要意义已经被普遍认同。

    FDI develop quickly , investment globalization has become one of remarkable characteristic of economic globalization development in the contemporary era , as one the most important carrier for the capital and technology , FDI is widely considered as a good way to improve Chinese economy .

  3. 对《当代世界经济政治与国际关系》的构想

    The Blueprint of Contemporary World Economics & Politics and International Relations

  4. 当代世界经济发展特点简析

    A brief analysis of the development of current world economy

  5. 最后.当代世界经济是带有政治性质的;

    Contemporary world economy is in the nature of politics ;

  6. 企业跨国经营已成为当代世界经济不可阻挡的潮流。

    Transnational operation has been become irresistible tide of contemporary world economy .

  7. 《当代世界经济与政治》课的民族团结教育思考

    A National Unity Education Thinking about " Contemporary Economies and Politics "

  8. 摘要循环经济是当代世界经济发展的趋势。

    Recycling economy is the global trend in today 's economy development .

  9. 当代世界经济贸易地理格局及其形成的地缘基础

    The Geographical Patterns of Contemporary World Trade and their Geographic Base of Formation

  10. 《当代世界经济与政治》课程教学的几点体会

    Experience in Teaching Modern World Economy and Politics

  11. 提高当代世界经济与政治课程教学效果的探讨

    Probe into Improving the Teaching Effect of the Course of Contemporary World Economy and Politics

  12. 当前,经济全球化已经构成当代世界经济发展的主流。

    Now , economy globalization is the main trend of the whole world economy development present-day .

  13. 在当代世界经济中,服务业是国民经济的重要组成部分。

    Services sector is an important part of the national economy in the contemporary world economy .

  14. 与经济全球化并进的新区域主义是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,中国在区域合作领域中的积极态度和进取行为表明了研究新区域主义的价值和必要性。

    The value of research on new regionalism is clearly reflected on China 's active attitude and actions .

  15. 研究指出,当代世界经济稳定政策的思想源头部分在中国;

    According to many researches , the thought regarding the present world economic stability policies originated partly in China .

  16. 当代世界经济的一个重要特征就是经济全球化,它是世界经济发展的一个趋势。

    An important characteristic to economy of contemporary world is Global Economy , it is a trend of Global Economy .

  17. 科学技术日新月异和经济的全球化已经成为当代世界经济社会发展的基本趋势。

    The basic trend of the contemporary world economic and social development is the economic globalization and new science and technology .

  18. 随着当代世界经济全球化和现代物流的加速发展,国际海运业加快了集约化进程。

    With the contemporary development of the economic globalization and modern logistics , international shipping industry has accelerated the process of intensification .

  19. 经济全球化已经成为当代世界经济发展的特点,市场瞬息万变,竞争日益激烈。

    Economic globalization has become the characteristics of the contemporary development world economic . Market is changing rapidly and increasingly fierce competition .

  20. 它也促使跨国公司成为当代世界经济发展的重要主体,使得世界生产日益一体化。

    Globalization also let the MNE play the main role for modern world economy development and let the world production become more integration .

  21. 因此,任何国家如果要在当代世界经济中占据一定的地位,必须拥有自己的大企业。

    Therefore , if any country wants to occupy a certain position in the contemporary world economy , they must have their own multinational enterprises .

  22. 作为当代世界经济的血液,能源对于世界各国的发展具有极其重要的意义。

    As the " blood " of the contemporary world economy , energy plays a great significant role for the development of countries in the world .

  23. 与时俱进巧妙设计&《当代世界经济与政治》课教学改革初探

    With the Time Advances and the Ingenious Design & - We should find out to < < contemporary world economy and politics > > transformation of education

  24. 当今世界已进入知识经济时代,科技资源成为人类社会经济活动的重要生产要素和战略资源,是当代世界经济竞争的制高点。

    Nowadays , we had entered Knowledge Economy Times . Technology had become one of the most important elements of production and strategy resources in modern economic competition .

  25. 当代世界经济增长的事实表明,人类正处在从工业化时代向知识经济时代过渡的重要时期,我国经济增长中知识创造的比例亦愈益显著。

    The growth of the contemporary economy of the world marks an important epoch when humanity is at the transition from industrial age to that of intellectual economy .

  26. 随着经济全球化的纵深发展,经济文化化、文化经济化已是当代世界经济发展的主要态势。

    With the deep development of global economy , economy has been being cultural , and culture has been being economic , which is the present major trend .

  27. 虚拟经济的兴起和发展对当代世界经济发展的影响巨大,同时对我国现实经济的发展也具有理论和现实上的意义。

    The rise and development of suppositional economy influence the economic development , at the same time , it has theoretical and practical significance to economic development of china .

  28. 经济全球化反映了当代世界经济发展的基本趋势,而国际资本流动成为这一趋势的集中体现。

    Economy globalization signs that the basic trend for the development of the modern global economy , and the global capital flow is the central embodiment of this trend .

  29. 本文首先论述了当代世界经济贸易地理格局的特点:美、日、西欧三足鼎立与众多实力较弱经贸集团并存的多极格局开始形成;

    At the beginning , the characteristics of the pattern of contemporary economy and trade in the World , the multipolar pattern which includes the strong tripod of U. S. A.

  30. 当代世界经济的迅猛发展带来了严峻的环境问题,环境安全引发的问题已成为人类健康的最大威胁。

    The rapid growth of today 's world economy has brought about serious environmental problem and the problem caused by environmental security has become the top threat to human health .