
The Analysis of Mass Media Element in the Contemporary International Politics
On Blending and Inter-dynamism of International Political and Economic Orders Today
The creation of SCO is an important incident in present international political life .
This is the post-Cold War international political event of the contemporary international political will have a major impact .
The relationship of environmental and the economic and trade in contemporary international politics , comes to the prominent position .
European Union , as a specific regional organization , plays much greater role in the international political and economical relationship .
The environmental politics has promoted the reconstruction of the international political pattern , broadening the space for the international politics .
It provides important guides to contemporary international political relations as well as instructive lessons to current foreign policies of China .
This new form of international game and cooperation has become the brand-new and vital phenomenon in the field of the International Politics .
Theory of Hegemonic Stability , Theory of Interdependence and Theory of Global Systemization are the key theories representing contemporary international political economy .
How we should correctly understand and handle the features of the international relations after the cold war is a very important issue in the contemporary international polities .
Speak from the certain meaning , and the contemporary and international politics and international relations can call the United States to seek the world hegemony and promote the hegemonic history .
The rapid progress of global technology and the gaps of development and use of technology have also been the important conditions that influence the present international , political and economic safety orders .
All in all , after the Cold War , all the American military operations are closely related to its global strategies , contemporary international environment and actual demands as the only superpower .
This dissertation discusses the origins and development of the seven-power summit and explores the interaction between it and the contemporary international political economic pattern , from which we can get across the impact of it .
About ten kinds of academics works of his mostly inquire into the theoretical questions of such fields as contemporary international politics , international relations , etc. And it has great influence in the academic circles .
The Middle East has been being placed in a kind of special position in Chinese foreign relation for its special geopolitical position , the abundant natural resources , unique historical , cultural tradition and important influence on contemporary international politics .
The development of Politics and Economy of Contemporary World has put the study of status , functions and influences of transnational companies to an unprecedented high level , among which , the study of transnational companies conduct is also under very prominent position .
This thesis tries to summarize the features of America 's Germany policy during the period from 1933 to 1938 as well as the causes of these features . Through these , we can draw some good lessons and useful experiences for present-day international politics .
Basing on the recognition of history , jurisprudence and the current international politics , the author emphasizes the truth : Taiwan is Chinese territory from the ancient , Taiwan problem is Chinese interior entirely , the principle of only one China must not be allowed to misrepresent .
The Middle East occupies a special strategic position , and this is a place rich in natural resources and unique historical and cultural traditions . Therefore this area plays an important part in international relation and this is a main area in which the powers contend with each others .
As three main genres of modern western international politics theory , Realism , Liberalism and Constructivism put out different connotations of international crises management .
Contemporary , the deep change has taken place in the international political and economic pattern , the practice of domestic reform , opening up to the outside world and the modernization construction has stepped into a new developing stage .
Barry Buzan is a famous International Politics scholar in the contemporary era . He wins his reputation all over the world by his achievements in Regional Security , Polarity Theory , World History and English School of International Relations .
The relationship between the Antarctic politics and the contemporary international order are very close . The Antarctic politics often contact and interact with the actors of international politics .