
  • 网络CRBT;coloring ring back tone
  1. 基于Web服务的彩铃业务管理接入系统

    The Management Access System of the CRBT Service Based on Web Services

  2. 第一章引言部分,简要介绍了目前彩铃业务WWW接入系统发展状况,指出当前的发展形势。

    Chapter I briefly introduces the current development of CRBT WWW access system .

  3. 多媒体彩铃业务在TD-SCDMA网中的应用

    Application of Multimedia Ring Back Tone Service in the TD-SCDMA Network

  4. 论文针对原有彩铃业务管理接入方案的不足,采用Web服务技术,设计并实现了一个全新的彩铃业务管理接入系统。

    In this paper , a new management access system of the CRBT ( Color Ring Back Tone ) service based on Web Services technology is proposed , aiming at overcoming the existing system 's shortcomings .

  5. 将管理元数据抽象出来的分层可控的P2P业务模型给出了一种应用的方式,并通过彩铃业务提供了一种实现。

    A deploying scheme of a layered P2P model is provided which put the management metadata under the control and an implementation for CRBT service is also addressed .

  6. 彩铃业务,即ColoringRingBackTone业务(简称CRBT),也叫个性化回铃音业务,是由业务用户为可能呼叫自己移动电话的主叫用户设定的一种个性化服务。

    Crbt , which means coloring ring back tone service or personalized ring back tone service , is a personalized service that called subscriber can set for calling subscriber .

  7. IIP中基于VoiceXML的彩铃业务语音管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of VoiceXML-based IVR Management System of CRBT Service in IIP

  8. 第三章着重介绍了现有彩铃业务WWW接入系统的现状,并对现状进行分析,归纳总结了现有系统存在的问题。

    Chapter III focuses on the introduction and analysis of the current situation of existing WWW CRBT access system , and summarized its problems .

  9. 本文讨论了IIP中基于VoiceXML的彩铃业务语音管理系统的开发背景,分析了Struts、Spring和Hibernate等开发技术在本系统中的应用。

    Firstly , the paper briefly introduces the background of the VoiceXML-based IVR management system and gives detailed analysis of development technologies such as struts , spring and hibernate to realize it .

  10. 介绍了彩铃业务实现的3种技术方案,并有针对性地介绍了ALCATEL端局+智能网的混合组网方案涉及到的关键技术点。

    The article explains three technical plans for individualized ring back tone service , and introduces the key technical points of mixed network ( ALCATEL end office + intelligent network ) .

  11. WWW接入方式一直是管理彩铃业务的主要方式之一,能够实现彩铃业务的所有功能,是互联网技术能够很好地应用于电信行业的最好体现。

    WWW access has been one of the main ways of CRBT service management , which can realise all the function of the CRBT service , and also the best embodiment that the Internet technology is well applied to telecommunications industry .

  12. 彩话业务(CTS)是继彩铃业务之后电信运营商推出的又一语音增值业务,包括普通彩话业务(oCTS)和变声彩话业务(dCTS)两种。

    Color talk service ( CTS ) is a value-added service provided by telecommunications carriers after the color ring back tone service . The CTS has two types , that is , ordinary CTS ( oCTS ) and distorted CTS ( dCTS ) .

  13. 山西移动彩铃业务改造方案

    Improvement Plan for Individualized Ring Back Tone Service of Shanxi Mobile

  14. 彩铃业务两种实现方式及对比分析

    Two Realizing Modes of Selective Ring Back Tone and Comparing Analysis

  15. 开放的彩铃业务管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Open Management System for CRBT Service

  16. 基于智能网实现彩铃业务的技术研究

    Technology research on color ring services based on intelligent network

  17. 彩铃业务数据库性能测试与分析

    Performance Test and Analysis of Database for Color Ring Back Tone Service

  18. 移动通信中彩铃业务的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Colorful Ring Service in Mobile Communication

  19. 彩铃业务投诉处理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Complaint Handling System for CRBT Service

  20. 彩铃业务的研究和设计

    Study and Design of Color Ring Back Tone Service

  21. 彩铃业务及其在移动网的实现方式

    Color Ring and Its Realizing Methods in Mobile Networks

  22. 最后分析整个彩铃业务的呼叫流程。

    Finally , we will analyze the call procedure of the whole CRBT .

  23. 本文论述了浙江移动彩铃业务发展的3个阶段。

    Three development phases for color ring back tone service of Zhejiang Mobile were discussed .

  24. 彩铃业务系统的建设

    Construction of Personal Ring Back Tone System

  25. 美国的彩铃业务直到两年前才开始流行起来。

    The ringback tones business didn 't gain popularity until two years ago in America .

  26. 自2003年中国移动通信公司首次引入彩铃业务以来,彩铃业务以其新颖、个性化的特点,在国内得到了迅速发展。

    The CRBT service firstly applied in China in 2003 by China Mobile Communications Corporation .

  27. 移动智能网中基于CAMEL4CPH特性的彩铃业务的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of CRBTS Based on CPH in CAMEL Phase 4 of Mobile Intelligent Network

  28. 本文首先介绍了彩铃业务的背景知识和彩铃业务的实现方式。然后阐述了彩铃系统访问数据库的方式,分析了数据库访问的性能瓶颈,提出对数据库性能进行测试分析的必要性。

    We test and analyze the database performance in CRBT service on the above three factors .

  29. 同时借鉴目前的彩铃业务,提出集团用户视频推送的设计思路并实现。

    Propose group users ' video push design ideas referring to current CRBT , and implement it .

  30. 该方案成功满足了移动彩铃业务需求,保证了数据的安全性和可靠性。

    The scheme meets the requirement of mobile CRBT service and ensures the data security and reliability .