
  1. 基于数字细菌的立体声音乐版权保护研究

    Research on Copyright Protection of Stereo Music Based on Digital Bacteria

  2. 解决现有音乐版权保护体系存在的问题的建议。

    Suggestion of solving the problems in music . copyright protection system .

  3. 总结音乐版权保护的主体、客体,各项权利的内容,并以美国立法为例剖析音乐版权的历史复杂性。

    Summarize the subject , object of music copyright protection , the content of every right , and take legislating in U.S.A. as the example to analyze the historical complexity of music copyright .

  4. 针对目前MP3压缩攻击对音频的影响提出一种用于MP3音乐作品版权保护的数字水印嵌入算法。

    According to the characteristic of MP3 , a novel audio watermarking algorithm is proposed .

  5. 以MP3压缩攻击特点与听觉掩蔽特性为基础,提出了一种可用于MP3音乐作品版权保护的混合域数字音频盲水印算法。

    On the basis of the characteristics of MP3 compression and local audio correlation , a new adaptive digital audio watermarking in DWT and DCT domain for protecting MP3 music copyright is proposed .

  6. 洛厄里最初从2012年开始倡导对保护音乐版权的保护。当时美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)的一名实习生在一篇文章中写道,她不认为自己以及同龄人会花钱购买音乐专辑。

    The rocker 's crusade for music rights first kicked off in 2012 , when he posted a biting rebuttal to an essay by an NPR intern who wrote that she didn 't believe she and her peers would ever pay for albums .

  7. 他们在对抗网路音乐的版权保护法。

    They are against copyright protection over Internet music .

  8. 论数字时代音乐版权的保护与调节

    A Study on the Protection and Regulation of Music Copyright in the Digital Age

  9. 目前音乐工业面临着重重危机,音乐版权保护体系也存在着一系列问题。

    Music industry is in crisis now and the copyright protection system of musical works has a series of problems .