
  • 网络Music Godfather;Beaterator;Mayor of the Sunset Strip
  1. 他年轻时有过很多位严师,其中一位便是埃德加·瓦雷兹(EdgardVarèse),这位喜怒无常的法国现代主义作曲家和电子音乐教父发火时曾把周的乐谱扔在地上,让他自己往上面小便。

    One was Edgard Var è se , the temperamental French-born Modernist and godfather of electronic music , who once showed his displeasure by throwing a score of Mr. Chou 's on the floor and ordering him to urinate on it .

  2. 此次音乐会由中国影视音乐教父级人物&三宝亲自执棒,携手中国广播艺术团电影交响乐团共同演绎。

    Sanbao , an master composer of movie-TV-music in China came in person for the performance ; together with him was the Movie Symphony Orchestra , China Broadcasting and Art Troupe .

  3. 鲍伯马利是雷盖音乐的教父!

    Bob Marley is the king of reggae !

  4. 你拿我JamesBrown的唱片做什么?(美国Funk音乐鼻祖灵魂乐教父)

    Uh-uh , what are you doing with my James Brown album ?