
  • 网络Want Yours
  1. 不,这东西会要你的命。

    No , those things will kill you .

  2. 结论:想吃就吃想喝就喝,是说英语要你的命。

    Conclusion : Eat and drink what you like . It 's speaking English that kills you .

  3. 我要你的帮忙。

    I want your help .

  4. 他说,我要你的承诺,在这个承诺不值钱的年代,我相信承诺!

    He said , I want your promise , promise is worthless in this era , I believe that promise !

  5. 如果你迟到了,就要扣你的工资。

    If you 're late , your wages will be docked .

  6. 一定要给你的照相机投保,以防丢失或损坏。

    Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage .

  7. 注意一定要让你的邮件改投到你的新住址。

    Make sure you get your mail redirected to your new address .

  8. 我要去找你的上级投诉。

    I 'm going to complain to your superiors .

  9. 你完全有权要回你的钱。

    You 're quite within your rights to ask for your money back .

  10. 能否有机会要看你的工作经历和学历。

    The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and qualifications .

  11. 别烦恼——我肯定她的原意是要称赞你的。

    Don 't be upset ─ I 'm sure she meant it as a compliment .

  12. 你要为你的话付出代价的!

    You 'll pay for that remark !

  13. “比利,我们要坐你的车。”——“随便。”

    ' We 'll go in your car , Billy . ' — 'Whatever you say . '

  14. 你知道他们要找你的麻烦,但是你是否想过他们会做出如此卑劣的事情?

    You knew that they were gunning for you , but did you ever imagine that it would be as bad as this ?

  15. 她不是故意要伤害你的感情。

    She didn 't mean to hurt your feelings .

  16. 在原则问题上要表明你的态度,不要依违两可。

    You must state your position on matters of principle . Don 't be equivocal .

  17. 记住要履行你的承诺。

    Remember to carry out your promise .

  18. 我们要你做的事情符合合同的规定。

    What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract .

  19. 如果你上班再迟到,就要扣你的工资了。

    If you 're late for work again your wages will be docked .

  20. 你一定要改变你的情绪才行。

    You must change your mood .

  21. “如果你告发我们,”这个匪徒说,“我们要惩罚你的。”

    " if you blow upon us ," said the gangster ," we will punish you . "

  22. 如《华盛顿邮报》所说,工作是真会“要了你的命啊”。

    Your job is " literally killing you , " as The Washington Post put it .

  23. B:那要看你的爱好了。你最喜欢的运动是什么?

    B : Well , that depends on your hobby . What 's your favorite sport ?

  24. 你就要开始你的高中生活了,你准备好了吗?

    On the point of starting you high school , are you ready ?

  25. 克莱夫是其中之一,他明年要去你的大学。

    One of them , Clive , is going to your university next year .

  26. 跟我们来!其中一个说,我们要搜查你的家。

    Come with us ! Were going to search your home , one of them said .

  27. 现在你来了,我要改变你的看法。你可以问我任何问题。"

    Now you are here , and I 'm going to change that about you . Ask me anything . "

  28. 你一定要像你的朋友一样乐于助人,因为他会注意到你并且对你有好印象。

    Be sure you are as helpful as your friend , because he will take notice and feel good you .

  29. 如果你许诺了,你就要履行你的诺言。

    If you make a promise you should fulfill it .

  30. 你要训练你的小狗服从你。

    You must school your puppy to obey you .