
  • 网络what to say
  1. 但我想不出来要说什么。

    But I can 't think of what to say .

  2. 布鲁克:我不知道要说什么,杰克?

    Brooke : I don 't know what to say , Jack !

  3. 她张开嘴要说什么。

    She opened her mouth to say something .

  4. 我不愿意考虑将要说什么话。

    I can 't bear having to think what I 'm going to say

  5. 他因为不知道接下来要说什么而把台词给念砸了。

    He fumbled his lines , not knowing what he was going to say .

  6. 我非常清楚他要说什么。

    I knew damn well what he was going to say .

  7. 演员得牢牢记住台词,这样他们才能在表演时记住要说什么。

    Actors have to learn all their words by heart , so that they can remember them during a performance .

  8. 这种事在你身上时有发生:在会上和领导正说着一半话,正玩着《纽约时报》上的字谜游戏,写着毕业论文,甚至和你妈在讲电话时,却忽然忘记要说什么了……

    It happens to you all the time . You 're mid-sentence during a meeting with your boss , working on The New York Times ' crossword puzzle , typing up an essay for grad school , or even talking to your mom on the phone -- and the next word you 're looking for just doesn 't ... come .

  9. 你要说什么Dan?

    Serena : Where are you going with this , Dan ?

  10. 对于一个新iPhone你要说什么呢?

    What does one say about a new iPhone ?

  11. 就像曾是英国间谍,后来又成为苏联双面间谍的乔治布莱克(GeorgeBlake)在其自传中指出的那样:“大多数人对你的观点或者你要说什么并不是特别感兴趣,但却非常喜欢表达自己的观点和讲述他们自己的故事。”

    As the British-spy-turned-Soviet-double-agent George Blake points out in his autobiography , " Most people are not particularly interested in your opinions or what you have to say , but very interested in voicing their own opinions and telling their own story . "

  12. 作为《怎样创造幸运》和《我接下来要说什么?》的作者,苏珊·罗安妮(SusanRoAne)表示,奥秘就在于将发生在你身边一切事都当做可与别人谈话的机会,而不是等待别人来与你谈话。

    Susan RoAne , author of How to Create Your Own Luck and What Do I Say Next ? , says the secret lies in seeing the world around you as full of opportunities to talk versus waiting to be addressed by someone else .

  13. 对不起,有人要说什么吗?

    I 'm sorry , does someone have something to say ?

  14. 好的,梅根,你要说什么么?

    Go ahead . Megan , you want to say something ?

  15. 噢,我要说什么词来着?

    Oh , what 's the word I 'm looking for ?

  16. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。

    He opened his mouth as if he would say something .

  17. 计划好你要说什么,然后谨慎地提出来。

    Plan what you 're going to say and offer carefully .

  18. 等你想出来你要说什么的时候。

    When you figure out what you are trying to say .

  19. 您要说什么,庄士敦先生?

    What do you have to say , mr , johnston ?

  20. 我知道你要说什么。

    But I think I know what you 're gonna say .

  21. 等你想出来你要说什么的时候

    when you figure out what you are trying to say ,

  22. 你要说什么,你有女朋友了?

    What are you gonna say , you have a girlfriend now ?

  23. 我不在乎所谓的专家要说什么。

    I don 't care what the so-called experts have to say .

  24. 我现在没时间听你首先要说什么。

    Second-guessing * I don 't have time for prefaces .

  25. 他张了张嘴,像要说什么似的。

    He opened the mouth as if to say something .

  26. 汤姆张开嘴好像要说什么。

    Tom opened his mouth as if to say something .

  27. 他们要说什么呢,爱会找到方法?

    What do they say , that love will find a way ?

  28. 我清了一下嗓子好像我要说什么。

    I cleared my throat as if to say something .

  29. 她对自己要说什么没有把握。

    She wasn 't quite sure what she was going to say .

  30. 《寻常的困惑》究竟要说什么?&卡夫卡独特的自传性创作

    The Implication of Ordinary Bewilderment & On Kafka 's Unique Autobiographic Creation