
  • 网络Lonely Journey;Lone Fox
  1. 这是一个漫长的孤独之旅,从死亡到出生。

    It 's a long lonely journey from death to birth .

  2. 在这一章,比较研究涉及三个方面:其一,思考社会文化的破与立的问题;其二,不屈的战士与走向内心的智者;其三,不同方式的精神孤独之旅。

    In this chapter , the comparative study involved three aspects : first , the thought of " broken " and " construction " for social culture ; Second , the indomitable soldiers with wise , Third , different lonely journey of spirit .

  3. 三次贬谪是王禹偁的孤独心灵之旅,他贬谪后的诗歌创作,流露出一种把生命和情感对象化于国家的骚人情结。

    His poem creation after being banished showed a kind of poet complex which associating closely his life and feelings with nation .

  4. 秀拉作为一位独立追寻自我和实现自我的新黑人女性,因其性格极端反叛从而踏上孤独短暂的反叛之旅。

    As a new black female figure , Sula seeks selfhood and achieves self-realization alone . She keeps her short rebellious trip alone due to her extreme rebellious character .