
  • 网络Music;music network;mtv;house;sing
  1. 另一个网站是奇美博物管所提供的古典音乐网!

    The other one is the classical music from Chi Mei museum .

  2. 多功能蓝牙立体声耳机电话音乐网聊尽在其中!

    Multi-functional bluetooth stereo headphone phone music online chatting all in one !

  3. 巨鲸音乐网主要依靠广告支持,是北京巨鲸音乐网络技术有限责任公司(OrcaDigital)与谷歌(Google)合作推出的数字音乐网站。

    Cn , an ad-supported digital-music partnership between Beijing-based Orca digital and Google ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) .

  4. 这是Lala音乐网特色服务的重要回归,即自动解封线上音乐集里面用户已经拥有的歌曲这一功能。

    It 's the return of one of Lala 's best features , the ability to automatically unlock songs you already own in an online collection .

  5. 这项服务是谷歌和巨鲸音乐网(Top100.cn)组建的合资企业。巨鲸音乐网是中国北京巨鲸音乐网络技术有限责任公司旗下网站。

    The service is a joint venture between Google and Top100.cn , a site owned by Chinese company Orca Digital .

  6. 对于许多人来说,音叉音乐网在发展独立音乐方面是佼佼者。

    For many people , Pitchfork is an expert on independent music .

  7. 这就是我在期望中国的在线音乐网能够迅速发展的同时,又时常保持警惕的原因。

    That is why I sometimes remain cautions about any high expectation for a rapid ascent to the top of the online music sector in china .

  8. 诺基亚已有、而巨鲸音乐网尚没有的是900万首歌曲。诺基亚表示仍在不断增加歌曲曲目。

    What Nokia has that Top100.cn doesn 't yet have is a catalogue of9 million tracks , which the company says it is constantly adding to .

  9. 即使对音乐电视网MTV来说,它也太败坏风俗了。它是如此低俗,我们不得不对广告做了改动,然后才能播出。

    Even for the music video network MTV it 's too risque , so risque , we had to alter the commercial to show it for this story .

  10. 上个月针对“有所作为网”上的请愿书,苹果公司的一名发言人在接受MTV音乐电视网采访时表示:“我们正在与统一码联盟进行紧密合作,努力更新已有标准。表情字符集确实需要多样化。”

    In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "

  11. 你落入了我的音乐之网,我亲爱的

    You are taken in the net of my music , my love

  12. 你落入我的音乐之网,我的爱人。

    You are taken in the net of my music , my love .

  13. 武汉音乐学院校园网的规划与建设

    Design and Construction of Campus Network of Wuhan Music Academy

  14. 他们的巨大优势在于,网上销售数字格式音乐要比网外销售利润多了一倍。

    This is a tremendous advantage for them , as selling music in the digital format can be twice as profitable as it is offline .

  15. 啊,我被你音乐的永恒之网捕获了,我的主!

    Ah , thou hast made my heart captive in the endless meshes of thy music , my master !

  16. 在将自己乐队的音乐投放到网上之后,他们很快开始上传其它当地乐队的音乐,直接促成了因特网地下音乐档案网的创立。

    Soon after getting their own music online , they started uploading other local bands , effectively creating the Internet Underground Music Archive ( IUMA ) .