
  1. 哦,麦琪,来吧孩子们,跟我一起说。

    Oh Maggie , come on boys and girls say with me .

  2. 来吧孩子们,我们一起来唱歌,耶。

    Come on boys and girls , let 's sing our song , yeah .

  3. 来吧,孩子们,我们来搭乘公交车吧。

    Come on boys and girls let 's ride the bus yay .

  4. 来吧,孩子们,水池里真有趣。

    Come on , guys , it 's fun in the sink .

  5. 来吧,孩子们,我们去航行七大洋。

    Come on boys and girls let 's sail the seven seas .

  6. 来吧,孩子,她说,坐下来。

    Come , boy , she said , sit down .

  7. “来吧,孩子,”她声音暗哑说,“来和我玩玩吧!”

    " Come , Boy ," she whispered ," come and play . "

  8. 来吧好孩子转个身转个身

    Come on , Yeah , good boy ! Turn around , Turn around

  9. 妈妈:来吧,孩子。你做得很好了。

    Mom : Come on , sweetie , you 've done very well .

  10. 来吧,孩子们跟我一起说。

    Come on boys and girls say with me .

  11. 来吧,孩子们,帮我找找哪具骷髅是不同的。

    Come on boys and girls , help me find which skeleton is different .

  12. 来吧,孩子们,跟我一起说,它是什么?

    Come on boys and girls say it with me , what is it ?

  13. 来吧,孩子们,我们为王子手指唱首歌。

    Come on boys and girls , let 's sing our song for prince Finger .

  14. 来吧,孩子,坐下。

    Come , Boy , sit down .

  15. 来吧,孩子们,咱们去兜兜风,耶!

    Come on boys and girls let 's go for a ride . Yeah ! Ho-ho .

  16. 来吧,孩子们,哇哦,哦,太好了,不过火车的驾驶员呢?

    Come on boys and girls , wow . Oh , great , but hey where is the train driver ?

  17. 哦,太好了,来吧,孩子们,我们开车去兜风,耶。

    Oh , great then come on boys and girls let 's go for a ride in the car , yay .

  18. 由我来审问吧,孩子,我们会相处愉快的。

    You let me do the interrogating , son , we 'll get along fine .