
  • 网络Visitor;The Visitors;client;The Caller
  1. 这场铺张的招待可算得正适合她这种身份的来访者。

    It was a lavish reception as befitted a visitor of her status .

  2. 来访者用拳头使劲地锤打着大门。

    The visitor hammered against the door with his fists .

  3. 这个神秘的来访者是谁,我能猜个八九不离十。

    I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was .

  4. 来访者在进入大楼时都要接受例行检查。

    Visitors are routinely checked as they enter the building .

  5. 对进入这栋建筑物的来访者进行搜查是例行做法。

    It is standard practice to search visitors as they enter the building .

  6. 牛津能向来访者提供很多娱乐活动。

    Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment .

  7. 我不可以接见来访者。

    I 'm not allowed visitors .

  8. 孩子们为来访者即兴献上了一场音乐会。

    The children put on an impromptu concert for the visitors .

  9. 来访者可以提前一周或更早预约一个时间。

    Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance

  10. 他的秘书替他挡住胡搅蛮缠的来访者。

    His secretary shielded him from importunate visitors .

  11. 他的话引起了来访者的反感。

    His words antagonized the visitors .

  12. 工人们鼓掌欢迎来访者。

    The workers applauded the visitors .

  13. 来访者逗留的时间过久。

    The visitor over-stayed his time .

  14. 我不喜欢她那样傲慢地对待来访者。

    I didn 't like her lofty treatment of her visitors .

  15. 来访者由你负责接谈。

    You 'll be responsible for receiving and talking with all visitors .

  16. 当来访者走近大门时,那条狗的毛都竖起来了。

    The dog 's hair bristled when the visitors came to the door .

  17. 他们禁止来访者在大楼内吸烟。

    They banned visitors from smoking in the building .

  18. 新到了一批来访者。

    Here comes a fresh batch of visitors .

  19. 来访者多半是学生。

    The visitors were mainly students .

  20. 来访者想进来。

    The visitor wants in .

  21. 接下去的几天里,祖克曼先生由于整天忙着招待这些来访者,竟然忘记了他的农活。

    In the days that followed , Mr. Zuckerman was so busy entertaining visitors that he neglected his farm work .

  22. B为了花时间和你的来访者们在一起?

    B To spend time with your visitors ?

  23. 用艾森克个性问卷(简称EPQ)对100名心理咨询来访者的个性进行测试,并将结果与90名正常对照组比较。

    The Eysenck Personality Questionaire [ abbreviated EPQ ] was administered to 100 counselors and 90 normal controls .

  24. 北京市红十字会的朱瑞权说,他需要额外的Rh阴性血供应,以因应奥运会期间预计会到北京的更多来访者。

    Zhu Ruiquan of the Beijing Red Cross says he needs extra supplies of the blood to cover the increase in visitors expected in the city during the games .

  25. 此地点位于PlacedesNations与联合国万国宫来访者入口(红十字会对面的Pregny大门)之间的一条林荫小巷。

    This is on a small treed alley between the Place des Nations , and the UN Palais Visitors Entrance ( Pregny gate opposite the Red Cross ) .

  26. 在乔治·华盛顿(GeorgeWashington)的家弗农山庄(MountVernon),奴隶们被禁止养鸭子或鹅,一位来访者写道,于是鸡就成了“黑人获准拥有的唯一乐趣”。

    At George Washington 's home , Mount Vernon , slaves were forbidden to raise ducks or geese , making the chicken " the only pleasure allowed to Negroes , " one visitor noted .

  27. 在总部位于多伦多的设计公司Teknion任设计和创意副总裁的史蒂夫?费尔贝克(SteveVerbeek)表示,让来访者坐在色彩明亮的软垫小凳上或是现代风格的斜躺椅上,可以传达出“一种平等的主张”。

    Seating guests on bright ottomans or contemporary reclining chairs communicates ' an egalitarian approach , ' says Steve Verbeek , vice president , design and innovation , for Teknion , a Toronto-based design firm .

  28. 时任英国石油公司(BP)老板的罗伯特•霍顿(RobertHorton)自豪地解释,为了减少来访者对与他见面的恐惧感,他请人将他那间巨大办公室的天花板特别降低了一些。

    Robert Horton , then boss of BP , proudly explained how he had had the ceiling of his vast office specially lowered in order to make visitors feel less daunted by meeting him .

  29. 我们需要明确提出要求,并且要得到满足,24岁的杰西利维(JesseLevy)说,他十分友好,带着我们这群来访者四处参观营地。

    We will need to formulate demands and they will need to be met , said Jesse Levy , a 24-year-old who amiably showed my group of visitors around the camp .

  30. 在《雨人》这部片子之后,Peek作为真正的雨人环游世界,用他唤起历史深处的事实和日期的能力震惊了观众和来访者。

    After Rain Man , Peek traveled the world as " the real Rain Man ," amazing audiences and visitors with his ability to recall dates and facts deep into history .