
yǐnɡ jù yuàn
  • theatre
影剧院 [yǐng jù yuàn]
  • [cinema] 既可放映电影,又可演戏的场所

  1. 三明市影剧院预应力梁的设计

    Design of the Prestressed Beam of Sanming Theatre

  2. 影剧院空调新风量的采用值,目前极不统一。

    The intake rate of fresh air for theatre air-conditioning is not consistent at present .

  3. 他年轻时喜欢去影剧院。

    He took an interest in going to the theater when he was young .

  4. 春节档影片票价为何偏高主管部门要求低风险地区影剧院采取防控措施,将上座率控制在75%。

    As an anti-epidemic measure , authorities are requiring theaters in low-risk areas to limit seating to 75 percent of capacity .

  5. 全市公园、景区、图书馆、博物馆、影剧院等室内外文化娱乐场所按75%限流开放;

    Indoor and outdoor cultural and entertainment venues spots , libraries , museums and theaters will be allowed to receive visitors up to 75 percent of capacity ;

  6. 通过简单实例的分析,说明了CFD在影剧院空调系统设计中的优越性。

    Through the analysis to a simple example , the superiority of the CFD technology was proved to the design of HVAC system .

  7. BL系列适用于多功能歌舞厅、KTV夜总会、影剧院等场合使用。

    EV series can be use in meeting room , small party , KALAOK and club , etc.

  8. 本文针对影剧院空调气流组织设计的特点以及CFD软件应用的特点,提出了结合CFD技术的影剧院空调气流组织优化设计思路。

    The writer put forward the idea of optimum designing to the air-flow organization of HVAC system in cinema with the CFD technology , which bases on the characters of the cinema and the CFD .

  9. 崂山影剧院音质改善的声学设计

    The acoustic design for improving the sound effect of Laoshan cinema

  10. 你如何选择去哪一家影剧院。

    How do you choose what movie theater to go to ?

  11. 影剧院座椅和听众吸声的研究

    Study of the Sound Absorption of Chairs and Audiences in Theaters

  12. 那是我们喜欢在里面看电影的皇家影剧院。

    That is Royal Cinema where we like see movies .

  13. 基于系统动力学模型的影剧院人员疏散策略

    Personnel evacuation strategy for theater based on systematic dynamics model

  14. 浙江艺术职业学院实验影剧院舞台机械

    Stage machinery in theater of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art

  15. 这家影剧院中放映一部故事片和两部短片。

    The theater has a feature film and two shorts .

  16. 我们喜欢在皇家影剧院看电影。

    We like to see movies in Royal Cinema .

  17. 厦门影剧院维修改造与抗震加固设计

    Study on Design of Structural Seismic Reinforcement and Retrofit of Xiamen Cinema-drama Yard

  18. 影剧院建筑内置换通风方式的优化设计矿井通风调节最优性研究

    Optimizing Design of Displacement Ventilation in Cinema Optimizing control of mine ventilation system

  19. 影剧院空调系统的噪声控制

    Noise control technology for air-condition system in theater

  20. 那家影剧院正在上映《音乐之声》。

    They are showing " The Sound of Music " at the movie theater .

  21. 浅谈影剧院火灾的预防与扑救

    Prevention and suppression of movie theatre fire

  22. 沈阳职教园会议中心影剧院暖通空调系统设计

    HVAC system design for the theatre of conference center of Shenyang vocational education college garden

  23. 影剧院离我家很近。

    The cinema was near my home .

  24. 新生的音乐殿堂&厦门影剧院改建设计

    The Rebirth Of The Music Palace & The design of the reconstruction of Xiamen theater

  25. 抗战时期新疆群众俱乐部和影剧院的发展

    Development of Mass Clubs and Theatres in Xinjiang in the War of Resistance Against Japan

  26. 大型影剧院结构设计

    Structural design of a large Theatre

  27. 丰台影剧院的声学设计&北京第一座计算机调控混响的多功能剧院

    Acoustic Design of Fengtai Theatre

  28. 本文较为详细地介绍了潮州影剧院观众厅的抗震加固设计情况。

    This paper presents the seismic strengthening design of the audience hall of Chaozhou Theatre in detail .

  29. 在索霍区影剧院中心地带,有一个小型的中国城。

    There is a small Chinatown at the heart of the theatre and cinema district in Soho .

  30. 建议:商场中的影剧院是寻找那些正在搜索测试编剧家的工作室推销人的好地方。

    Tip : Theaters in shopping malls are good places to find studio representatives looking for test screeners .