
zhēng shōu
  • levy;collect;impose;imposition
征收 [zhēng shōu]
  • [levy] 政府依法向人民或下属收取

  • 征收营业税

征收[zhēng shōu]
  1. 美国前总统乔治w布什(georgew.bush)在任职初期,曾运用美国贸易法的相关条款,对钢材进口征收新的关税。

    Early in the administration of George W. Bush , the former president applied provisions of US trade law to levy new tariffs on imports of steel .

  2. 特朗普已将贸易当作其民粹主义经济理念的核心内容之一,他以前曾威胁要让美国退出《北美自由贸易协定》(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement)、并对中国商品征收高额关税。

    Mr Trump has made trade a central part of his populist economic message and has in the past threatened to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and levy tariffs on Chinese goods .

  3. 由于征收新税,年度红利减少了30%。

    The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent .

  4. 政府对某些行业征收暴利税。

    The government imposed a windfall tax on some industries .

  5. 当局开始对燃油征收一项新税。

    A new tax was imposed on fuel .

  6. 这届政府的垮台在很大程度上归因于征收一种新税。

    The introduction of a new tax accounted in no small measure for the downfall of the government .

  7. 极有可能征收食物税。

    Tax on food has become a very real possibility .

  8. 布尔什维克征收了地主的财产。

    The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners .

  9. 大臣们认为在大选前停止征收人头税至关重要。

    Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election .

  10. 他们对基督徒的商业交易征收宗教税。

    They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions

  11. 结果将是征收更高的税。

    The result will be higher taxation .

  12. 他决定恢复征收财产税是正确的。

    His decision to return to a form of property tax is the right one .

  13. 波恩政府对公司所得税的征收税率之高在欧洲处于前列。

    The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe .

  14. 如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。

    If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage , then carriage by water will become more attractive .

  15. 俱乐部向每位会员征收100美元以改建俱乐部会所。

    The club assessed each member $ 100 to rebuild the clubhouse .

  16. 从共同市场以外的国家进口到英国的货物要征收特别关税。

    A special duty is placed on goods imported into Britain from any country outside the common market .

  17. 去年征收、但在本季度业绩中才计入的英国奖金税,令摩根大通每股盈利减少0.14美元。

    The UK bonus tax , which was imposed last year but recognised in this quarter 's results , trimmed $ 0.14 from earnings per share .

  18. 参议院金融法案将针对个人费用高于8000美元或家庭费用高于21000美元的健康保险计划征收消费税。

    The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .

  19. 如果对这笔收入征收更多的税,那将是改善基础设施的一个不错的资金来源。

    If that income were better taxed , it might provide the revenue for better infrastructure .

  20. 两个半世纪以来,大多数国家都对烟酒征收某种税。

    Two and a half centuries on , most countries impose some sort of tax on alcohol and tobacco .

  21. 该惩罚性关税的征收是用以限制中国轮胎进口的措施。

    The punitive tariff was imposed to discourage tire imports from China .

  22. 向富人征收的税应该比穷人的多。

    Taxes should be levied more on the rich than on the poor .

  23. 征收此税缺乏法律依据。

    The tax is levied without statutory authority .

  24. 有些省的代表委员提出交通高峰期在特定路段征收拥堵费,以此实现分流。

    Delegates from some provinces proposed to charge more fees for drivers in certain sections of road in busy traffic hours , as a way to divert traffic .

  25. 他以伦敦为例:伦敦自2003年起对进入市中心的车辆征收交通拥堵费,最初为5英镑,现已增至8英镑。

    He cited the case of London , which since 2003 , has charged a congestion1 fee for vehicles entering the inner city . Initially2 five pounds the fee now stands at 8 pounds .

  26. 在这场清晨举办的拍卖会上,买家们现在需要考虑对欧盟外地区种植的花卉所征收的8%的税,比如分类后被运往英国的肯尼亚玫瑰。

    The buyers at this very early morning auction6 now factor in an eight per cent tax on flowers grown outside the EU , like roses from Kenya that are sorted and sent on to the UK .

  27. 最近几周,出现了一个新观点,就是要额外征收所谓的临时住所税(pied-à-terretax),其征收对象是购买昂贵房产作为临时住所的住户。

    In recent weeks , an idea has been floated of also charging a so-called pied - à - terre tax for part-time residents who buy expensive properties .

  28. 因发热4天,面部、四肢散发疼痛性红色斑块3天于2002年12月28日以Sweet综合征收入院。

    She was diagnosed as Sweet 's syndrome and hospitalized on December 28 , 2003 , because of fever for 4 days and distributive painful red plaque on the face and extremities for 3 days .

  29. 更早一些时候,在1971年8月,美国总统理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)实施了尼克松冲击措施,包括征收10%的进口附加税,并结束美元与黄金的相互兑换。

    Earlier still , in August 1971 , the US president Richard Nixon imposed the Nixon shock , imposing a 10 per cent import surcharge and ending dollar convertibility into gold .

  30. 本文在回顾已有研究的基础上,以苏北P村为个案,运用实地调查的方法,深入地阐述了土地征收补偿款在村级分配过程中存在的矛盾。

    Taking the P village in northern Jiangsu province as a case , applying the method of the field investigation , looking back the researches that have been taken , the thesis deeply expatiated conflict points during the process of village-level distribution of landless farmers ' expropriated payments .