首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 又过了一天,邹忌见到了徐公。

    Another day passed and Zou Ji met Xu Gong in person .

  2. 妾也说:“徐公怎么比得上你漂亮呢?”

    His concubine also said : " Xu Gong is no match for you ! "

  3. 客人肯定地回答说:“徐公不如你美。”

    The guest answered positively : " Xu Gong is not as handsome as you . "

  4. 妻子回答说:“你漂亮多了。徐公哪里比得上你呢!”

    His wife replied : " You are far more handsome . Xu Gong is no match for you ! "

  5. 他紧紧地盯着他看了一阵,又把自己和他仔细地比较了一番,实在看不出自己比徐公漂亮。

    He stared closely at the other for some time and carefully compared him with himself . He really couldn 't see that he was more handsome than Xu Gong .

  6. 城北的徐公,是齐国有名的美男子,邹忌真的不相信自己比徐公长得漂亮。

    Xu Gong of the north of the city was a well-known handsome man in the State of Qi . Zou Ji really didn 't believe he was more handsome than Xu Gong .

  7. 第二天,有个客人来找他,跟他商谈一件事情,邹忌又问客人说:“我与徐公谁长得美呢?”

    The next day , a guest came to discuss some matter with him . Zou Ji asked his guest the same question : " Who is more handsome , Xu Gong or I ? "

  8. 徐公怎有您美呢!

    Xu can 't be as handsome as you !

  9. 我与美男子徐公相比谁更美呢?

    If you compare me with the handsome xu , who is more handsome ?

  10. 城北的徐公,是齐国有名的美男子。

    Xu Gong of the north of the city was a well-known handsome man in the State of Qi .

  11. 邹忌又问客人说:“我与徐公谁长得美呢?”

    Zou Ji asked his guest the same question : " Who is more handsome , Xu Gong or I ? "

  12. 晚上,他躺在床上,想来想去,自己本来不及徐公,为什么这三个人都说自己美呢?

    At night , lying on the bed , he pondered : He was not as handsome as Xu Gong , but why did these three persons say he was more handsome ?