
  1. 目前轮值的首席执行官徐直军(EricXu)就显得对消费者业务无感。

    Current chief executive Eric Xu certainly shows little love for the consumer business .

  2. 徐直军、郭平和胡厚昆(KenHu)这三位华为高管每六个月轮流担任CEO的职位。

    At Huawei , three executives -- Xu , Guo Ping and Ken Hu -- take turns and rotate through the acting CEO position every six months .

  3. 徐直军表示,华为将继续制造Android系统和Windows系统手机,但他对微软(Microsoft)的Windows系统手机的销售状况并不满意。

    Mr Xu said Huawei would continue to make phones that ran on Android and Windows , but he had not been happy with the sales of devices that ran on Microsoft 's software .

  4. 我们正在与汽车制造商紧密合作,找到他们对5G网络的需求,徐直军称。

    We are in close partnerships with car manufacturers to find their requirements for 5G , said Mr Xu .

  5. 徐直军在周三的分析师大会上被问到这样一个问题:目前实行的轮值CEO机制是一项临时安排还是永久性结构?徐直军没有给出明确回答。

    At the analyst meeting Wednesday , Xu didn 't provide a clear answer to the question on whether the current rotating CEO system will be a temporary arrangement or a permanent structure .

  6. 华为(HuaweiTechnologies)轮值CEO徐直军(EricXu)称,公司正在为新一代自动驾驶汽车设计与高速互联网连接的通信架构。

    Huawei Technologies is designing the communications architecture for a new generation of " autonomous " cars which will be connected to the high-speed internet , according to Eric Xu , the company 's chief executive .

  7. 徐直军与另外两人轮留担任华为CEO,每次任期为6个月。他称,他对华为领跑5G网络有信心。

    Mr Xu , who shares the post of chief executive with two other men on a six-month rotation , said he was confident Huawei will be a leader in 5G networks .

  8. 作为华为的三位轮值首席执行官(CEO)之一,徐直军(EricXu)在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发表了讲话。他表示,华为去年在美国市场因缺乏新产品而处境艰难。

    Talking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , Eric Xu , one of the three rotating chief executives of the Chinese telecoms equipment maker , said the company had suffered last year in the US due to a lack of new products .

  9. 华为轮值首席执行长(CEO)徐直军(EricXu)在深圳召开的年度分析师大会上说,未来接替任正非的将不只是一个人。

    ' In the future , the successor to Mr. Ren will not be just one person , ' said Eric Xu , Huawei 's acting chief executive , at the company 's annual analyst conference in Shenzhen .

  10. 也许是5毫秒,或者是3毫秒,徐直军表示。

    Maybe five milliseconds . Maybe three milliseconds , said Mr Xu .

  11. 他说,继任者也许是一个团队,而不是一位领导。徐直军没有就此提供更多细节。

    The successor could be a team of leaders rather than one leader , he said , without providing more details .

  12. 徐直军说,华为在今后5到10年内没有上市或展开任何大规模并购的计划。

    Mr Xu said the company had no plans to list or carry out any major mergers and acquisitions for the next five to 10 years .

  13. 据华为执行副总裁徐直军预测,2016年,该公司的总收入将达到约750亿美元,并将成为苹果公司更强大的竞争对手。

    Huawei 's rotating chief executive Xu Zhijun forecasts their revenue will reach some 75 billion US dollars in 2016 and will become an even stronger rival to Apple .

  14. 徐直军表示,今年华为希望将其全球手机销量从2013年的5000万部提升至8000万至1亿部,也就是占据全球市场份额的大约8%。

    Mr Xu said the company wanted to expand worldwide handsets sales this year to 80m-100m , or roughly 8 per cent of the global market , from 50m in 2013 .

  15. 在周一被问及华为将如何确保其网络的安全时,徐直军表示华为确保核心资产安全的努力从未停止过。

    Asked on Monday what Huawei was doing to ensure the integrity of its networks , Mr Xu said the company had never stopped in its efforts to make sure that its core assets were protected .

  16. 不过,徐直军称华为仍然不会“主动寻求”为美国提供电信基础设施的交易。美国政界人士已告诫本国企业不要与华为做生意,因为他们担心华为与中国政府的联系可能影响到美国的国家安全。

    However , Mr Xu said Huawei would still not " actively pursue " deals to provide infrastructure in the US , where politicians have warned companies against doing business with the group owing to security concerns over its links to the Chinese state .

  17. 徐直军称,自主驾驶车辆的关键要求是低“时延”——数据输送至第三方服务器并传回的时间——打个比方,这会缩短视频电话的时延。

    Mr Xu said a crucial requirement for self-driving cars was low " latency " - a reference to the time it takes for data to travel to a third-party server and back - as this would reduce delays when making video calls , for example .