
  • 网络circulatory arrest
  1. 体外模式人工氧合法治疗产后出血引起的循环骤停

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy for circulatory arrest due to postpartum hemorrhage

  2. 超声多普勒诊断脑死亡中脑循环骤停:我们需要检测颈动脉吗?

    Diagnosis of Cerebral Circulatory Arrest by Doppler Ultrasound in Brain Death : Do We Need the Cervical Arteries ?

  3. 结果严重并发症8例,其中严重复张性肺水肿5例,大量胸水致双腔支气管完全阻塞1例,大出血1例,双侧气胸致循环骤停1例。

    Results Severe intraoperative complications occurred in 8 patients , including 5 reexpansion pulmonary edema , 1 complete occlusion of double-lumen tube due to massive pleural effusion , 1 massive bleeding and 1 cardiac arrest due to bilateral pneumothorax .