
  • 网络psm;LPSC;LPSM;transmission of sensation along meridian
  1. 循经感传的这一特点,为甄别中医医疗手段的基因级作用靶点,为人类基因组功能测试提供了捷径。

    This characteristic of PSM provides a good method for discriminating acting target points of TCM treatment at gene level , and a shortcut for detection of functions of human genomes .

  2. 高血压能明显提高循经感传的阳性率;

    Hypertension increased the positive rate of PSM .

  3. 基于GPU多纹理混合技术的循经感传模拟的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of simulation of Sensation Conduction along meridian based on GPU multiple texture technology

  4. 纳洛酮能翻转模拟循经感传所引起的潜伏期缩短、波幅降低的效应(P>0.05)。

    Naloxone could reverse the above-mentioned effect ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 沿骨骼肌出现的继发性兴奋反应与循经感传

    Secondary Excitation in Nerve Muscles and Propagated Sensations along Meridian

  6. 方法:对56例循经感传阳性的心脑血管病患者进行观察。

    Method : 56 cases of the patients with positive PSM are observed .

  7. 心包经循经感传前后心阻抗图的变化

    The change of impedance cardiogram before and after propagated sensation along the Pericardium Channel

  8. 大鼠模拟循经感传的体感诱发电位观察及纳洛酮的翻转作用

    Observation on SEP of rats being imitated perceptual extension and reversible effect of naloxone

  9. 循经感传线上局部血流图的初步观察

    Preliminary observation on the local impedance rheogram on the course of propagated sensation along channels

  10. 隐性循经感传线皮肤导电性的研究

    A study on the skin electrical conductance of the line of LATENT PROPAGATED SENSATION ALONG CHANNEL

  11. 针刺留针和激发循经感传对脑电地形图β节律活动的影响

    Influence on electrical activity of beta rhythm of beam by retaining the needles and exciting PSC

  12. 神经肌肉继发性兴奋的时间总和循经感传机制研究(Ⅱ)

    Temporal Summation of Secondary Excitation in Nerve-Muscle & Study on Mechanism of Propagated Sensation Along Meridian (ⅱ)

  13. 本研究初步证明外周感觉信息具有跨节段传入,为循经感传的形成机理提供了一个新的证据。

    This study gave a new evidence for the mechanism 's cxplanation of propagated sensation along the meridians .

  14. 外周神经末梢相互影响的研究&循经感传外周机制的探讨

    A study of the interaction between peripheral nerves & research on Mechanism of propagated sensation along the channels

  15. 不同刺激方法和参数对循经感传速度与激发时间的影响

    Influence of Different Ways and Parameters of Stimulation to Velocity and Induction Time of Propagated Sensation along Channels

  16. 骨骼肌肌电激活脊髓背根和腹根神经&循经感传机制研究

    Activation of Spinal Dorsal and Ventral Roots by Action Potential of Muscles Study on Mechanism of Propagated Sensation along Meridian

  17. 循经感传过程中大脑皮层体觉区脑电频谱特征的观察

    Observation on the spectral characteristics of EEG from cortical somatosensory area during the advance of the propagated sensation along channels

  18. 隐性循经感传线叩诊音的特异性及其观察(初步报告)

    The specific percussion sound of the line of latent propagated sensation along channel and its observation ( preliminary report )

  19. 目的:观察采用灸刺足三里激发循经感传治疗难治性面瘫的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe clinical therapeutic effect of moxibustion and acupuncture at Zusanli ( ST 36 ) on refractory facial paralysis .

  20. 循经感传现象客观显示的研究&上肢经脉循行部位红外热像图的变化

    OBJECTIVE DISPLAY ON PHENOMENA OF PROPAGATED SENSATION ALONG CHANNELS ( PSC ) & Changes on The Infrared Thermal Image Channels Pathway 0f Upper Extremity

  21. 进而对三维动画技术,特别是纹理动画技术在循经感传演示中的应用进行了探讨。

    Moreover , probe into the 3D animated technology , especially the application of texture animated technology in the demonstration of propagated sensation along meridian .

  22. 并且在模型的基础上,实现经络现象,尤其是对循经感传现象的演示和模拟。

    Besides , realize the meridian phenomenon with model as its basis , particularly the demonstration and imitation of the propagated sensation phenomenon along meridian .

  23. 结论推测士的宁背景下电针诱发的该传导性电位很可能就是形成循经感传的经气活动的客观表现形式之一。

    Conclusion It is inferred that electroacupuncture induced transmitted potential strychnine is probably one of the objective forms of meridional qi activities in meridian transmission .

  24. [目的]作为最常见的临床经络现象,循经感传是一种循径路走行的异常感觉,机制正在探索中。

    [ Objective ] As a most often phenomenon of meridian , the phenomenon of perceptual extension is an abnormal sensation , its mechanism is unknown .

  25. 后者通过意守入静调节呼吸,以达到“静神减息”,诱发循经感传,即一般所称的内丹术。

    Latter is passed meaning defend breath , in order to achieve " static god is decreased breath ", cause abide classics feeling to pass , what weigh commonly namely inside red art .

  26. 结论:经络的循经感传现象是可以客观检测的,微循环检测可以为经络的生理机制研究提供更多信息。

    Conclusion : Our results proved that the phenomenon of Propagated Sensation along Meridian could be objectively detected , moreover , the detection of microcirculation could provide more information for studying the physiological mechanism of Meridians .

  27. 目的研究骨骼肌肌电激活脊髓背根和腹根神经,探讨这种继发性兴奋与循经感传的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the secondary excitation of the electrical activity of isolated muscle on the nerve of dorsal and ventral roots , which isolated muscle lay up the sciatic nerve or gastrocnemius of recording animals .

  28. 利用灯光、材质和纹理等真实感显示的相关技术,达到了较好的视觉效果。2、在对循经感传现象的特点进行分析的基础上,得到了循经感传动画特有的动画模式。

    Moreover , use the related technology with the application of the real senses like material and texture to achieve better visual effect.2.Analyze the features of the propagated sensational phenomenon along meridian , and then put forward distinctive animated mode of the propagated sensational animation along meridian .