
  • 网络Middle salt;CHINA SALT
  1. 中盐的GD培养基适合罗汉松初代培养中的芽增殖。

    GD culture medium is suitable for Podocarpus culture of bud proliferation . 4 .

  2. A3钢在土壤中盐浓差电池腐蚀行为的研究

    Study on the Corrosion Behavior of A3 Steel in Salt Concentration Cell of Soil

  3. 在盐生植物中盐胁迫引起一定的氧化胁迫,SOD抗氧化酶的作用是盐生植物耐盐机制的一个重要的辅助机制。

    In halophyte species , salt stress often leads to oxidative stress . Therefore , SOD may play an important role in salt-tolerance mechanics of halophytes .

  4. 将有机土分散在液体石蜡中,改变水相中的盐浓度,发现随着水相中盐浓度的增大,W/O乳液的稳定性降低,当水相中盐浓度超过一定值时,不能形成稳定的乳液。

    The stability of emulsions decreased with the salt concentration , and stable emulsion could not be prepared when the salt concentration was above a certain value .

  5. 探讨了电极表面自组装密度、MB的浓度及杂交液中盐离子浓度等参数对杂交实验的影响。

    This paper discusses self-assembly density , MB concentration , salt ion concentration in hybrid solution and other parameters affecting the hybrid experiment .

  6. 随着环境中盐浓度升高,酶的活力和稳定性都会逐渐降低。酶的最适盐浓度是0.15M。

    With the increase of salt concentration in environment , the enzyme activity and stability gradually decreased .

  7. 为研究平衡环中盐液的平衡作用和机理,提出了模拟平衡环的三球模型,用Runge-Kutta法得到了桶体振动方程的数值结果。

    A three-ball model is suggested to simulate balancing the effectiveness and mechanism caused by the liquid in the equilibrium ring . The numerical results of the complicated vibration equations of the tub are obtained by using Runge-Kutta method .

  8. 采用纳滤膜考察了操作压力、不同的料液浓度、流量改变和浓缩过程对两性表面活性剂N,N-二甲基十二烷基甜菜碱(BS-12)中盐的脱除和BS-12浓缩效果的影响。

    The effects of operating pressure , feed concentration of ampho-alkyl dimethyl betaine ( BS-12 ), flow , concentration process on removal efficiency of sodium chloride and concentration efficiency of BS-12 using nanofiltration membrane were investigated .

  9. 目的研究拟青霉代谢物提取物(BCPT)对慢性不可预见性应激(CUS)抑郁模型大鼠海马和皮质中盐皮质激素受体(MR)、糖皮质激素受体(GR)mRNA表达的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the antidepressant effects of bioactive compounds from paecilomyces tenuipes ( BCPT ) on expression of hippocampus and cortex mineralocorticoid receptor ( MR ), glucocorticoid receptor ( GR ) mRNA in CUS ( chronic unpredictable stress ) rats .

  10. 方法按照容量比例概率抽样(PPS)法抽样,检查1200名8~10岁学生甲肿率、智商、尿碘和家中盐碘,并辅以600名5年级学生和150名家庭主妇的健康教育问卷调查。

    Methods Goiter was examined in 1 200 pupils aged 8-10 and whose IQ , urinary iodine and salt iodine were examined by the sampling method of Probability Proportion to Size ( PPS ) . 600 pupils and 150 housewives were investigated by health education questionnaires .

  11. 方法自1995年开始,每2年按人口比例概率抽样法(PPS)抽取30个县,检查8~10岁学生甲状腺、尿碘和家中盐碘及五年级学生健康教育问卷调查。

    Methods Since 1995 , we have chosen 30 counties to detect 8-10 years old pupils ' thyroid gland , urinary iodine , salt iodine and do health education questionnaire among 5 th grade students by population proportion probability sampling ( PPS ) every two years .

  12. 结果表明,夏季滨海盐渍土0~40cm土层中盐分的运动和再分布非常活跃,而40~120cm土层中盐分较稳定。

    The results were as follows : Salt movement and distribution in 0-40 cm depth of seashore saline soil were very active , but salt in 40-120 cm depth was relatively stable .

  13. CMO基因受盐诱导表达,随着环境中盐浓度的提高,其基因表达量增加,CMO基因的诱导表达与其启动子(pC:-267~+1bp)有关。

    CMO expression is induced by salinity and the amount increases with the increasing of salt concentration . The specific expression of CMO gene is related to its promoter ( pC : - 267 ~ + 1 bp ) .

  14. 废水再生回用系统中盐累积规律的研究

    A study on the salt accumulation rule in wastewater reuse system

  15. 烧碱蒸发中盐泥处理工艺的改进

    Process modification of salt - mud treatment in caustic soda evaporation

  16. 水溶液中盐的浓度与其电导率的关系研究

    Study on the relationship between concentration of salt solution and its conductivity

  17. 医生建议人们减少饮食中盐的含量。

    Doctors suggest people reduce the amount of salt in their diet .

  18. 盐胁迫下苜蓿中盐蛋白的诱导产生

    The Emergence of Salt-Induced Proteins in Alfalfa Under NaCl Stress

  19. 吡格列酮对前脂肪细胞分化过程中盐皮质激素受体表达的影响

    Effect of pioglitazone treatment on mineralocorticoid receptor gene expression in adipocyte differentiation

  20. 火山灰质硅酸盐水泥海水中盐的含量是多少?

    Portland-pozzolana cement What is the concentration of salt in sea water ?

  21. 脂质体悬浮液的特性粘数随着介质中盐的浓度的变化而改变。

    The effect of salts on the viscosity of liposome suspensions was studied .

  22. 土壤盐分含量变化影响着植物群落物种组成,随土壤盐分含量增加,群落中盐生植物种类逐渐占据优势。

    With soil salinity increased , the plant community dominated by halophytes gradually .

  23. 硅酸聚合中盐效应的机理

    Mechanism of salt effect on poly-merization of silicic acid

  24. 30%液碱生产中盐泥处理工艺的改进

    Innovation on treatment process of salt slurry in 30 % liquid caustic soda production

  25. 冻结强度受土样孔隙中盐溶液浓度的影响,盐溶液浓度增加,冻结强度减小。

    The frozen strength was influenced by the solution thickness in the soil hole .

  26. 盐地枸杞不同营养器官中盐离子分布规律

    Distribution of salty ions in different vegetative organs of Lycium bar-barum cultivated in salinized land

  27. 聚合物介质中盐离解行为的温度依赖性研究

    Temperature-dependence of salt dissociation in polymer media

  28. 植物水分蒸散量的大小受到土壤中盐分积累量的制约。

    Evapotranspiration of the plant waw controlled by amount of salt accumulated in the soil .

  29. 肝素[钠盐,钙盐]海水中盐的含量是多少?

    Heparin [ Sodium , Calcium ] What is the concentration of salt in sea water ?

  30. 再生水入渗过程中盐污染迁移转化规律模拟试验研究

    Experimental Study on Migration and Transformation Rule of Salt Pollution for Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water