
  • 网络meridians of chinese medicine
  1. 基于本体的中医经络知识库的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of an Ontology-Based Traditional Chinese Meridians Knowledge Base

  2. 中医经络诊断中经穴电位测量方法的研究

    A Method Measuring Acupoint Potentials for Chinese Traditional Channel Diagnosis

  3. 基于无线穴位探测仪的中医经络信息检测系统

    Meridian Information Detection System Based on Wireless Acupoint Detector

  4. 红外热像系统计算机技术在中医经络研究中的应用

    Application of infrared imaging technique in meridian study

  5. 中医经络穴位的数字解剖学研究

    Digital Anatomic Study on the Meridian and Acupoint

  6. 数字人体在探索中医经络原理及诊疗机理方面的应用

    The Application of Virtual Chinese Body in the Principle of TCM Channels and TCM Diagnosis

  7. 经络诊断是中医经络理论与现代电子技术相结合的一种中医诊断新方法。

    Diagnosis through the Channels is a new method combining traditional Chinese medicine with modern science .

  8. 将极化的贴片按照中医经络学说在中医辨证论治的原则指导下。

    Paste poled tablet on the acupoint by theory of meridians and TCM differential diagnostic classification .

  9. 中药结合中医经络诊断仪诊治神经性头痛157例

    Diagnosis and Treatment of 157 Neurogenic Headache Patients by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medical Meridian Diagnosis Instrument

  10. 红外辐射成像技术中等温显示与全温显示在中医经络研究中的应用

    The usage of isothermal display and full temperature display of infrared radiation imaging in the study of meridian

  11. 待验证的揭示人体干细胞分布与分类的中医经络学说

    An Unverified Meridian Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine That May Reveal the Distribution and Classification of Human Stem Cell

  12. 本研究证明,PET/CT脑功能成像技术有助于揭示中医经络理论,为针刺疗法提供中枢调节机制的可视性试验依据。

    This study further demonstrated PET / CT is useful in revealing TCM meridian theory and could provide objective proof of central regulation for acupuncture treatment .

  13. 同时组织的漫射光强度分布数据还呈现有时间的周期性,暗合中医经络理论中的经络气血运行的时间特性。

    Meanwhile the intensities data of diffuse light presented temporal periodicity , surprisingly in accordance with temporal features of Qi-blood transportation and meridian running in Chinese meridian theory .

  14. 结论:中医经络腧穴学中八脉交会穴理论中内关、公孙两穴对脘腹部能量有协同调节作用。

    Conclusion : Present the same foundation of Nei-Guan and Gong-Sun point have a function of the energy regulation on the abdomen in a theory " Ba-mai Jiao-hui Point " .

  15. 目的:从中医经络学说方向探讨被认为是绝大部分组织再生的本源组织特异性干细胞与中医经络系统的联系。

    AIM : To investigate the correlation of tissue specific stem cells regarded as original source of regeneration for an absolute majority of tissues and the system of channels and collaterals .

  16. 结论实验初步提示足大趾甲襞微循环与脑部可能相关,分析认为与中医经络&足厥阴肝经有关。

    Conclusion The experiment point out that nail fold microcirculation on big toe maybe related to brain , and perhaps it is related to the meridian of traditional Chinese medical science & Liver Meridian of Foot - Jueyin .

  17. 经络电测量法以中医经络学说为基础,借助现代科技手段,来揭示经络穴位与临床中医病证之间的因果关系。

    Meridian measurement method is based on the Meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine . With the help of modern science and technology , we will reveal the relationship between meridians and clinical disease of traditional Chinese medicine .

  18. 更重要的是用中医经络学的原理诠释明式家具人体科学的意义,这种研究是对当今利用现代人际工学解释明式家具功能的悖论。

    More importantly , the annotation to the significance of Ming dynasty style furniture using to human science by using Chinese medicine channels and collaterals study principle is the paradox to the nowaday 's explanation to the function of Ming dynasty style furniture by using modern ergonomics .

  19. 当今我们正处在的时代,充分的利用飞速发展的计算机软硬件技术为中医人体经络的相关知识的演示和教学和推广提供一个有力的工具,具有重要的现实意义。

    Since we are now in the computer age , the full exploitation of the computer soft and hard ware technology supplied a massive instrument for the demonstration , teaching and generalization of the related Jingluo theories , which has indispensable realistic significance .

  20. 具有特定生理功能的中医脏腑、经络和气血津液,在形态上也应有其相应的质。

    Viscera , meridian , qi-blood and body fluids in traditional Chinese medical theory may all have objective material forms .

  21. 结合眼针疗法与中医脏腑和经络的关系,可以更深入地研究由于部分脏器和经络发生变化而引发的老年性痴呆这一病症。

    The treatment combined ocular acupuncture therapy with the relation of entrails and meridian could investigate senile dementia coursed by the variation of organ and meridian .

  22. 根据中医学脏腑经络相关理论,观察颈部脊柱推拿对自主神经系统功能的调节作用。

    The regulative effect of cervical spine massotherapy on the function of autonomic nervous system was investigated according to the traditional Chinese medical theory of the correlativity between viscera and channels .

  23. 内丹术促进了中医命门学说的建立,内丹术对中医经络学说的形成和发展也起到了重要的作用。

    Internal alchemy theory of TCM mingmen promotes the establishment of TCM , internal alchemy meridian of the formation and development also played an important role .

  24. 研制的中医传感针及其配套多通道测量仪用于实时、在体、同时测量中医经络上多个穴位点的温度、氧分压及pH值。

    The needle sensor and related multi-channel measuring instrument are used to survey in vivo the temperature , partial pressure of oxygen and pH of different acu-points in the body simultaneously .