
  • 网络Widget
  1. 坏策略的起点通常是目标,譬如,在欧洲微件(widget)市场占据20%的份额,同时实现15%的股本回报率。

    The starting point of bad strategy is often a goal a 20 per cent share of the European widget market , with a 15 per cent return on equity .

  2. GetJar提供了一个网页微件,可以贴到手机网站或Facebook页面,为用户指明GetJar最热门的应用。

    GetJar provides a Web-based widget which can be pasted onto mobile websites or Facebook pages to point visitors to the hosted app at GetJar .

  3. 列出你的内容&确定让工作流正常执行所需的微件(Widget)。

    List your contents – determine the widgets needed to make the workflow possible .

  4. 微件应用需要微件运行时的支持,现在微件运行时存在很多问题。

    Widget applications runs on a runtime , but many problems exist on current widget runtimes .

  5. 坏策略通常空洞无物,例如,通过超越客户的期望,成为受消费者青睐的微件供应商。

    Bad strategy is often fluff to become the widget provider of choice by exceeding customer expectations .

  6. 研发基于浏览器的富客户端聚合平台。聚合平台包括微件开发框架和微件聚合框架。

    Research and develop an internet browser-based mashup client platform , which contains widget development framework and widget mashup framework .

  7. 聚合人员是普通用户、业务流程领域专家等;算法、服务构件以及微件实现者是技术人员;第二、可扩展性。

    The people doing with Mashup can be public users and business experts , and doing with algorithm and service components can be technical staff . Second , scalability .

  8. 一个跨平台的微件运行时能够快速地在不同平台上部署微件应用,对于互联网运营商、移动设备制造商和开发者有重要的商业价值。

    Therefore a cross-platform widget runtime will definitely accelerate the deployment of widget applications onto different platforms , which has big potential business value for ISPs , mobile manufactures and developers .

  9. 当一个新的应用需求产生时,首先检查构件库和微件库,如果库中具备构成新应用的服务,那么就通过聚合这些服务来生成新的应用;如果缺少某些服务,就组织开发。

    When a new application needs come to arise , firstly check the components repository and widget repository , if there are components and widgets already for this new application , reuse them with mashup technology , otherwise make some new ones .

  10. 本文描述了已建立的MEMS微传感器件IP库单元的原型及库单元的结构和关键参数。

    Some prototype of MEMS micro sensor , and library structure and key parameters of the built IP cell are introduced .

  11. 考虑结晶潜热的LDPE微结构件注射成型模内温度场

    Cavity temperature of LDPE injection molded parts with microstructure region considering latent heat

  12. LED微显示器件作为一种全固体的主动发光器件,拥有许多优点:工作电压低、发光效率较高、响应速度快、性能稳定可靠、工作温度范围宽等。

    As an entirely solid active light emitting device , semiconductor micro-display device is excellent , for example , low voltage , high efficiency , rapid response speed , firm performance and wide range of working temperature .

  13. 多层微组装件半解析热分析方法的研究

    Research of Semi - Analytical Thermal Analysis Method of Multilayer Electronic Modules

  14. 该技术可应用于微显示器件,并且可扩展应用于紫外探测器。

    The technology can be applied to micro display devices , and can be extended to detectors .

  15. 采用考虑结晶潜热的微结构件注射成型有限元模型能较准确地预测制品内部温度场分布。

    The finite model of injection molded parts with microstructure region considering latent heat can approximatively forecast the cavity temperature .

  16. 采用无机主动发光二极管芯片制备微显示器件结构简单、牢固,不采用外部照明光源;

    The micro display device applying the inorganic active LED chip is simple and firm in structure and does not use the external illuminated light sources ;

  17. 该测试装置由四部分组成,他们分别是微试件夹持子系统、精密定位/位移加载子系统、载荷/位移测试子系统和测控子系统。

    The test instrument consists of four parts namely specimen clamping subsystem , precision position / load subsystem , load and displacement measuring subsystem and measuring and controlling subsystem .

  18. 对于在可变形非磁材料悬臂梁式板单表面粘贴可磁化材料薄膜所构成的磁场微传感器件结构,研究了其处在磁场环境中的磁弹性弯曲变形的磁场力学特征。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the magneto mechanical characteristic of a microsensor which is composed of a cantilevered beam plate with ferromagnetic films in order to measure magnetic fields from the deformation of plate when the microsensor is located in the magnetic fields .

  19. 随着MEMS技术的成熟,以微小塑件和微结构塑件为代表的微注射制品得到日益广泛的应用。

    With the maturity of the MEMS technology , micro-injection parts have been used widely especially micro-plastic parts and micro-structure plastic parts .

  20. 未应用胶原酶抑制剂的对照组制备的微拉伸试件,经过6个月的水贮存老化后,粘结强度下降的程度更大,有统计学差异(p0.05)。

    The bond strength of the micro-tensile specimen in the control group without the application of collagenase inhibitor decreased with a higher degree compared with the experimental group after aging in water for 6 months , showing significant difference ( p0.05 ) .

  21. 微结构塑件模具温度控制探讨

    Study on temperature control of mould for plastic microstructure part

  22. 铌、钒微合金紧固件钢的研究

    Nb and V microalloyed steels for fasteners ' application

  23. 高深宽比微小型结构件是微小型系统的重要组成部分。

    High aspect ratio microstructure is among the most important components of micro-system .

  24. 低压下微机械谐振器件挤压膜阻尼分子动力学仿真的一种高效算法

    Molecular dynamics simulation method for MEMS resonators under the effect of squeeze-film damping at low pressure

  25. 本文工作对深入研究微结构塑件成型缺陷,以及建立微注射制品质量预测理论模型提供了可借鉴资料。

    This research can be used for analyzing the causes of molding defects of micro-structure plastic parts , it is also helpful for establishing micro-injection product quality prediction model .

  26. 研究了材料状态、坯料相对厚度和凹模直径对微圆筒拉深件成形质量的影响规律。

    The influence of the forming conditions on the quality of micro drawn cup is studied by experiment , such as material state , relative thickness and diameter of female die .

  27. 研究了模具间隙、晶粒尺寸和拉深比对黄铜箔微圆筒拉深件成形质量的影响规律,以及模具间隙和晶粒尺寸对极限拉深比的影响规律。

    The influences of the gap of mould , the grain size and drawing ratio on the quality of micro drawn cup is studied . And the influences of the gap of mould and the grain size on limit drawing ratio is also researched .

  28. 一种是数字图形式显示器件,一种是微杯式显示器件。

    The form of a digital map display , a microcup display device .

  29. 采用原子力显微镜测试了微悬臂梁构件的弯曲变形规律。

    Bending deformation of microscale cantilever has been investigated using an atomic force microscope ( AFM ) .

  30. 通过微注射成形工艺制得聚丙烯微结构件,微结构部分是具有微米级直径的微圆柱阵列。

    Polypropylene micro-structured parts with micro pillars array were fabricated by polymer MIM .