
  1. 河南郑州大学公共管理学院范副院长赞扬了监察机关对于防止政府官员收微信红包和电子礼物所做出的努力。

    Fan Hongmin , deputy president of the School of Public Management at Zhengzhou University in Henan province , praised the disciplinary inspection authorities ' practice of forbidding government officials from receiving WeChat lucky money and electronic gifts .

  2. 哈哈,我也抢到你的红包了,人民币13块2,这个微信红包太好玩儿了,就连高富帅白富美都为了那几块钱抢得热火朝天!

    Haha , Ialso got one of your red envelopes worth 13.2 RMB . These red envelopes fromwechat are great , even the handsome rich guys and gorgeous girls are in full swing trying to get a few bucks .

  3. 微信是腾讯旗下产品,一位拒绝透露姓名产品发言人表示,他觉得这样的贿赂十分可笑,因为微信红包交易是可以追踪的。

    A spokesman for WeChat provider Tencent , who declined to be named , said that offering such bribes is absurd because the transactions can be tracked .