
  • 网络microwave spectrum
  1. 上海天文台铯钟改进束光学系统后的微波谱

    Microwave spectrum of optical system improvement of cesium beam frequency standard at Shanghai Observatory

  2. 微波谱对一个外行来说毫无意义。

    The microwave spectrum means nothing to an outsider .

  3. NH3配合物的分子束微波谱研究

    Molecular Beam Microwave Spectrometric Studies of Ammonia Complexes

  4. (NH3)2和Ar-NH3配合物的微波谱表明,这两个体系是非刚性的。

    The microwave spectroscopy of thecomplexes ( NH_3 ) _2 and Ar & NH_3 show that both systems are nonrigid .

  5. 研究微波谱线有两个原因。

    There are two reasons for wanting to study them .

  6. 由于利用了内腔饱和吸收情况下的兰姆凹陷和最优化的相敏调制探测技术,所得光谱的分辨率达到了微波谱量级。

    With the intracavity saturated absorption technique employed and the conditions of the phase sensitive modulation detection optimized , spectra of very high sensitivity and resolution have been obtained .

  7. 到目前为止,人们已经通过微波谱线探测出约180种分子成分。分子绕其化学键旋转时,分子能级会发生改变,从而产生微波谱线。

    So far about 180 types of these molecular ingredients have been detected in space from their microwave spectra - the energy produced when molecules rotate around their chemical bonds .

  8. 太阳射电微波爆发谱与HXR的统计研究

    The statistics investigation on solar microwave bursts and HXR bursts

  9. 基于新发现的2&5μm的红外背景和星系前星,我们讨论了各种模型的尘埃对3K宇宙微波背景谱所产生的影响。

    Based on the discovery of an IR background in the waveband 2-5 μ m and pregalactic stars , we discuss the effect of the 3K cosmic microwave background spectrum from dusts of various models .

  10. 磁性纳米膜微波磁谱的模拟计算和物性初步分析

    Permeability spectrum simulation calculation and characteristic analysis of ferromagnetic nano-films

  11. 影响磁性薄膜微波磁谱测量精度的因素

    Factors Influencing Precision of Measurement for Determining the Spectral Complex Permeability of Thin Ferromagnetic Films

  12. 基于迈克耳孙干涉仪分析微波源谱分布实验

    The experiment of Michelson interferometer based on analysis of the distribution of microwave source spectrum

  13. 从微波爆发谱光薄部分辐射估计日冕磁场强度的一种方法

    A method of the coronal magneticfield strength estimation from the microwave burst spectrum at the optically thin part

  14. 新型小调场式微波频率EPR谱仪

    A new small magnetic modulation microwave EPR spectrometer

  15. 用微波光电导谱仪测量p&n结少子扩散长度

    Measuring p-n Junction Minority Carrier Diffusion Length by Microwave Photoconductivity Spectrum Instrument

  16. 用微波光电导谱研究半导体薄片的少子扩散长度和表面复合速度

    Study on Surface Recombination Velocity and Diffusion Length in Semiconductors by Microwave Photoconductivity Spectrum

  17. 海面波谱的微波信号多普勒谱反推法研究利用预测误差检测到激光杂波中的有用弱信号。

    Wave spectrum measuring using Doppler spectra of microwave The weak signal in laser clutter background can be detected by means of the prediction error .

  18. 借助微波吸收介电谱检测技术,对AgCl立方体乳剂中光电子的时间行为进行了检测,同时获得了自由光电子与浅束缚光电子在不同增感条件下的时间分辨谱。

    The temporal behaviors of free photoelectrons and shallow-trapped electrons were measured in the cubic AgCl emulsion with the microwave absorption and dielectric spectrum detection technique .

  19. 其Cole-Cole图表明,得自于音频至微波段介电谱的Cole-Cole非德拜型弛豫规律,仍适用于超低频段。

    It 's Cole-Cole plot shows that the Cole-Cole non-Debye dielectric relaxation law concluded from the results in sound to microwave frequencies is still valid in ultra-low frequencies .

  20. 本文进行鼻咽癌细胞系CNE1对微波辐照的吸收谱测量,搭建以HP83630扫频信号源,标量网络分析仪AV3617为主要器件的程控自动化测试系统,在此基础上设定了可重复操作的实验方法。

    The subject in this paper focused on measurement of microwave absorption spectrum of nasopharyngeal cancer cell ( CNE1 ) . A complete auto-test system based on computer technology has been setup and the replicable experimental method has been designed .

  21. 微波消解-全谱直读等离子体发射光谱法测定面包改良剂中总溴的研究

    Determination of Total Bromine in Bread Improver by ICP-AES with Microwave Digestion

  22. La-Ce-TiO2纳米光催化剂的溶胶-微波法合成、谱学表征及其活性研究

    La-Ce-Codoping Nano-Titania Photocatalyst : Preparation Via Microwave-Assisted Sol Process , Spectroscopy Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity

  23. 小型微波等离子体炬全谱仪的研制及其应用基础研究

    Development of a Miniature Simultaneous MPT Spectrometer and Basic Study on Application of the Simultaneous Spectrometer

  24. 本工作借助于微波吸收介电谱检测技术,系统检测了硫与硫加金增感立方体氯化银微晶光电子的时间分辨谱。

    The time spectrum of photoelectrons in sulfur-sensitized and sulfur-plus-gold sensitized cubic AgCl microcrystals are detected by microwave dielectric spectrum technique .

  25. 伴随着测量仪器的发展,现在我们不仅能够精确的测得宽带微波信号的幅度谱,同样能够精确的测得其相位谱。

    Advances in measurement instrumentation now make it feasible to accurately measure both the magnitude spectrum and the phase spectrum of wide-bandwidth microwave signals .

  26. 微波吸收介电谱检测技术具有很高的时间分辨率,可用于固体中电子输运特性的无接触测量,是研究晶体中光生载流子寿命及其迁移行为的有效方法。

    Microwave absorption and film dielectric spectrum detection technology , which has a high time resolution , was used to contactless measurement of electron characteristics in solid materials .

  27. 本文采用微波吸收介电谱技术,测量了ZnS:Mn材料受到紫外超短脉冲激光激发后,其光生电子的瞬态衰减过程,得到了ZnS:Mn材料光电子衰减时间分辨谱。

    The decay process of photoelectrons of ZnS : Mn luminescence materials after excitation with short pulse laser was investigated by using microwave absorption dielectric spectrum detection technique . The photoelectron time-resolved spectra of ZnS : Mn materials were obtained .

  28. 利用微波-射频多量子跃迁对单量子微波跃迁谱线强度的影响,我们在实验上找到了一种在光抽运实验中观察射频共振的灵敏的新方法。

    By making use the influence of microwave-r. f. multi-quantum transition on the spectral line intensity of single quantum microwave transition , a new sensitive method for detecting r.