
  • 网络microbial surfactant
  1. 结果表明,微生物表面活性剂的引入能够明显地提高破乳剂的破乳速率和效率,而且当破乳剂的浓度较低时,微生物表面活性剂的影响更加明显。

    The results indicated that the introduction of microbial surfactant could greatly raise the speed and efficiency of water separation from emulsion , especially at lower demulsifier concentrations , the effect of microbial surfactant on water separation from emulsion was more obvious .

  2. 产微生物表面活性剂菌株的筛选、性能及其应用研究

    Studies on Screen , Performance and Application of Biosurfactant Production Strain

  3. 微生物表面活性剂对烃类污染物降解的促进作用

    Enhancement of Biosurfactant for Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons

  4. 通过界面张力的测定,证实了微生物表面活性剂和破乳剂之间的协同作用。

    By means of measurement of interfacial tension , the synergetic effect between demulsifier and microbial surfactant was confirmed .

  5. 海洋微生物生物表面活性剂的成分分析及合成相关基因的初探

    Composition Analyses of Biosurfactants Produced by Marine Alkane-degrading Microorganisms and Preliminary Investigation on the Genes Involved in Biosurfactant Synthesis

  6. 微生物合成生物表面活性剂研究进展

    Research of Biosurfactant Produced by Microorganisms