
  • 网络Perkins;kendrick perkins;Dwight Perkins
  1. 你对于肯德里克-帕金斯在TNT透露你和威少之间有过交流的事情怎么看?

    Were you cool with Kendrick ( Perkins ) airing out your conversation with Russ on TNT ?

  2. 据报道,在周二东部半决赛的第一场比赛中,由于Drake与骑士队中锋肯德里克·帕金斯发生口头冲突,NBA向Drake发布了一则警告。

    The NBA reportedly issued a warning to Drake after he was involved in a verbal altercation with Cleveland Cavaliers center Kendrick Perkins during Game 1 of the Eastern Conference semifinals on Tuesday .

  3. 通过对帕金斯自动柴油发电机在市电缺相故障时不能自启动供电的问题分析,提出了对ATS控制屏电路进行改造的方案。

    The article analyses the problem that Parkins auto Diesel is not able to auto-start to supply power at Mains failure , and puts forward the reform solution to ATS control panel circuit .

  4. KD:实话实说,我是不喜欢这样的事情发生的,但我了解帕金斯,我不会因此责怪他,也不会因此感到沮丧,他是我的兄弟,永远不变。

    KD : I wouldn 't have liked that to happen . But I know Perk . I didn 't hold it against him . It wasn 't like I was upset . That 's my brother . That 's always going to be my brother .

  5. 帕金斯,我想我可以案了。

    I think this may well ciose our account , parkis .

  6. 晚上好,皮特所有人已上船,帕金斯先生

    Good evening , Pete . All aboard , Mr. Perkins .

  7. 有您一个包裹,帕金斯小姐。

    There 's a package for you , miss perkins .

  8. 夸奖一下朗多和帕金斯怎么样?

    How about an attaboy to Rondo and Perkins ?

  9. 帕金斯好意地生起了火。

    Perkins had the goodness to start afire .

  10. 今年,我们去了帕金斯餐厅。

    This year , we went to Perkins .

  11. 噢,一切似乎都很正常。帕金斯四下看了看说。

    ' Well , everything seems perfectly all right , 'said Parkins , looking around .

  12. 海明威和帕金斯从第一次通信开始一直坚持了21年书信往来,直至1947年帕金斯与世长辞。

    Hemingway and Perkins began a correspondence that lasted for21 years , until Perkins 's death in1947 .

  13. 那你为什么告诉我呢?去告诉帕金斯,如果你认为这个很重要的话。

    So why tell me ? . go tell Parkins gillespie , if you think it 's important .

  14. 你们那儿的人真信这类事情?帕金斯问。

    ' Do they really believe in that kind of thing where you come from ? 'asked Parkins .

  15. 帕金斯教授是个严格要求自己并且凡事认真的年轻人。

    Professor Parkins was a young man who took himself , and everything that he did , very seriously .

  16. 帕金斯击了一下球,接着把自己在圣殿骑士教堂找到那个旧口哨的事儿告诉了上校。

    Parkins hit his ball , and then told the Colonel about finding the old whistle in the Templar church .

  17. 该机构将制订国家劳动力政策,签署已更新的、民众长久期待的帕金斯职业和技术教育法案

    which will develop a national workforce strategy and sign the modernized and long-awaited Perkins Career and Technical Education Act ,

  18. 维宁先生是帕金斯盲人学院的一位教师,除了写盲文,他对我就像陌生人一样,并不同我交流。

    Mr. Vining was a stranger to me , and could not communicate with me , except by writing braille .

  19. 活塞对当然首先攻击隆多和帕金斯的位置,但是也不排除其它选择。

    The Pistons certainly will attack Rondo and Perkins , but not to the exclusion of every other offensive option .

  20. 麦克戴斯对位帕金斯,比卢普斯对位隆多,活塞好像机会更多些。

    Throw in Antonio McDyess against Kendrick Perkins and Billups on Rajon Rondo , and the Pistons like their chances .

  21. 但是加内特、隆多、帕金斯还有戴维斯,以及当年那支夺冠球队的其他成员会吗?

    But what about Garnett , Rondo , Perkins , Davis , and the other players from that historic team ?

  22. 阿纳戈诺斯先生很欣赏我的《冰雪之王》,他还把故事登在了帕金斯学院的一份刊物上。

    Mr. Anagnos was delighted with " The Frost King , " and published it in one of the Perkins Institution reports .

  23. 我们刚到帕金斯盲人学院,我就开始和这里的盲童交朋友了。

    We had scarcely arrived at the Perkins Institution for the Blind when I began to make friends with the little blind children .

  24. 华莱士弥补了帕金斯缺席比赛所带来的漏洞。帕金斯右膝韧带崩裂缺席了总决赛最后一场比赛。

    Wallace was huge in the absence of Kendrick Perkins , who missed the final game with torn ligaments in his right knee .

  25. 啊,是啊,谢谢你,帕金斯说,来一条吧,我觉得天气越来越冷了。

    ' Ah , yes , thank you , 'said Parkins . 'I would like one . I think it 's getting colder . '

  26. 我刚刚想了想肯德里克-帕金斯穿上雷霆球衣会有多么奇怪。我甚至不能想象这种情况。

    I just thought about how weird Kendrick Perkins is going to look in a OKC uniform . I can 't even picture it .

  27. 帕金斯盲人学院的洗衣女工瞒着我给她洗了一个澡,这对可怜的南希来说简直是灭顶之灾。

    The laundress at the Perkins Institution secretly carried her off to give her a bath . This was too much for poor Nancy .

  28. 大量的使用杀虫剂会引起小鼠在行为和神经上表现出类似于人类的帕金斯综合症的疾病。

    Laura HelmuthA widely used pesticide causes a syndrome in rats that looks , both behaviorally and neurologically , very much like Parkinson 's disease .

  29. 作为美国首位女性内阁部长,帕金斯组织开创了失业保险和社会保险(公共养老金)制度,堪为后世垂范。

    As America 's first female cabinet secretary , Perkins masterminded the introduction of unemployment insurance and Social Security ( public pensions ), with crucial ramifications .

  30. 她的丈夫,保罗•威尔逊,是一名狂躁抑郁症者,他大半辈子都住在昂贵的疗养院里,费用由帕金斯支付。

    Her husband , Paul Wilson , was a manic depressive , who spent most of his life in expensive sanatoriums which Perkins had to pay for .