
  • 网络parkinson's law;Parkinson’s Law;Parkinson s Law
  1. 蒂姆菲利斯是帕金森定律的拥护者。简单来说,假设任务能够成为更为困难的集合,完工期限就会越长。

    Tim Ferriss is a major advocate for the principal of Parkinson 's Law & which , simply put , posits that a task can become leagues more difficult the longer a deadline .

  2. 马丁•沃尔夫(MartinWolf),首席经济评论员:《帕金森定律》(Parkinson’sLaw:ThePursuitofProgress),西里尔•诺思科特•帕金森(CyrilNorthcoteParkinson)著,1958年

    MartinWolf , chief economic commentator : Parkinson 's Law : The Pursuitof Progress , by Cyril Northcote Parkinson ( 1958 )

  3. 从帕金森定律看我国政府机构精简

    Analysis of Simplify Government Agencies from the Parkinson Law

  4. “帕金森定律”则恰好是阐释了这一问题最好的定律。

    However " Parkinson Law " is the best law that express the problem .

  5. 帕金森定律的启示

    The Enlightenment of Parkinson Law

  6. 了解帕金森定律有利于我们认识到机构改革屡次不彻底的根本原因,并为机构精简这场革命的胜利指明道路。

    It can help us realized the essential reasons repeatedly defeated to the organization reform , and indicate the path to victory of revolutionary for simplify government agencies .

  7. 帕金森定律基于“工作会不断扩充直至占满完成这项工作可用的时间”的理念,解释了为何科斯正确指出的解决方案会产生其自身的困难。

    Parkinson'slaw - based on the idea that " work expands so as to fill the time available forits completion " - explains why the solution Coase correctly identifies createsits own difficulties .

  8. 结合当前高校机构改革的实际,对高校管理中存在的帕金森定律所描述的现象做了试探性的论述,并提出了解决问题的若干建议。

    Connecting with the practices of the institutional reform in the colleges and universities , this paper makes tentative discussion on the phenomena described by the Parkinson Law existing in university management , and advances some suggestions on solving these problems .

  9. 这无疑是帕金森鸡毛蒜皮定律(Parkinson’slawoftriviality)的一个例子。该定律说,我们考虑一件事的时间和这件事的重要性成反比。

    This , surely , is a version of Parkinson 's law of triviality , which states that the amount of time we spend thinking about something is in inverse proportion to its importance .

  10. 帕金森数据定律:数据总会占满整个可用储存空间。

    Parkinson 's Law of Data : Data expands to fill the space available .

  11. 帕金森科学定律:科学的进程与发表的科学论文数目成负相关。

    Parkinson 's Law of Sience : The progress of science varies inversely with the number of journals published .

  12. 帕金森氏定律可引申描述电脑及其相关配置:它们不断扩展并占用剩余的空间。

    An extension of parkinson 's law applies to computers and their related equipment : they expand to fill the room available .

  13. 帕金森第二定律:支出增加以符合收入。

    Parkinson 's Second Law : Expenditures rise to meet income .

  14. 帕金森第四定律:无论工作量有多少,任何工作团队中的成员数目都会趋向增加。

    Parkinson 's Fourth Law : The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done .