
lián luò yuán
  • liaison man;liaison agent;contact officer
  1. 本文绘制了移动Agent通信的结构原理图,设计了通信所需要的通信结构,包括联络员、Home信息表及服务器注册表,解决了移动Agent的命名、物理寻址及如何通信等问题。

    The paper has outlined the structure of mobile agent communication diagram and designed a communication structure including liaison , home information form and the server registry , solved the naming of mobile agent , physical addressing , how to communicate and so on .

  2. 在一位本科生的帮助下,格兰特开始研究密歇根大学(MichiganUniversity)一个电话中心的情况。这里的电话联络员负责接洽往届校友,请他们为母校捐款。

    With the help of an undergraduate , Prof Grant started to look at what was happening in a call centre at Michigan University , where callers were contacting alumni to ask them to give money to the university .

  3. 里根的NSDD-145指令的起草者是国防部对国家安全局的联络员唐纳德·莱瑟姆(DonaldLatham),他本人之前在国家安全局担任联络员。

    The main author of Reagan 's NSDD-145 was Donald Latham , the Pentagon 's liaison to the National Security Agency - and a former N.S.A. analyst himself .

  4. 上个月我们报道说,如果Oracle不能指派给社区一名联络员来交换他们的发展计划意见,董事会(OGB)将解散自己。

    Last month we reported that the OpenSolaris Governing Board may kill itself if Oracle would not appoint a liaison to the OpenSolaris community to interact with and communicate their future plans .

  5. 上级派来的联络员已经在等候我们了。

    The connector sent by the higher-up is already waiting for us .

  6. 她在父母和学校之间充当联络员。

    She acts as the liaison between her parents and the school .

  7. 重点读者联络员制度的实践与思考

    Practice and Research on Key Reader Liaison Staff System

  8. 中国高等工程教育研究会信息员、联络员名单

    List of Liaison and Information Persons of China Society for Higher Engineering Education

  9. 现在,我得去找我的联络员。

    Look , right now , I need to get to my handler .

  10. 武田聪是我们公司的联络员

    Satoshi Takeda 's liaison to our company .

  11. 我只是个客户联络员。

    I 'm a client-contact man myself .

  12. 联络员白宫与工会的联络人

    the White House liaison to organized labor

  13. 省旅指委成员单位负责同志及联络员;

    Leaders and liaison officials from the member departments of the provincial Tourism Steering Committee ;

  14. 你的联络员吸引注意了。

    Your handler 's drawn some attention .

  15. 他能够获得经费并选择另一个伯德桑来担任外界联络员吗?

    Could he obtain money , locate an outside liaison who would become another birdsong ?

  16. 迈尔斯探员是你的新联络员。

    Agent Myers is your new liaison .

  17. 做为国防部的现场联络员。

    As on-site liaison for dod .

  18. 要加强基础产业的行业管理&国务院安委会召开第八次联络员会议

    Infrastructure Industry Management must be Strengthened

  19. 早上好,邓洛普女士。我叫万斯·弗雷蒙,华尔克医疗服务公司的客户联络员。

    Good morning , Mrs D.My name is W.F.I 'm the customer relations of Walker medical service 's.

  20. 但他是父亲最依赖的心腹和他跟同事间的主要联络员。

    He was his father 's most trusted confidant and a major point of contact for his colleagues .

  21. 我曾和另外两个瑞典联络员&起被带到斯德哥尔摩城外的空军基地。

    I had been brought to the air force base outside Stockholm , together with the two other Swedish Contacts ;

  22. 陷入沉思时,退缩的联络员喝掉了洒在皱纹纸上的粉红色墨水。

    49 . While sinking into thinking , the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper .

  23. 1941年间,他们安排联络员,与布莱切利联系。

    But in the course of 1941 , arrangements were made for liaison officers to be attached to Bletchley , and the charade was dropped .

  24. 这也有不好的一面:那就是我再也不能当联络员了,这扇门算是无可挽回地彻底关上了。

    And there was a bad side to it : I would never be a Contact again . The door was totally , inevitably closed .

  25. 成立由医院伦理委员会、专业伦理工作小组、科室伦理工作联络员组成的多层级医院伦理工作组织网络。

    Established by the hospital ethics committee , professional ethics working group composed of department liaison work ethic multi-level organization of work of Hospital Ethics Network .

  26. 会员应当设业务代表一名、业务联络员若干名,组织、协调会员与交易所的各项业务往来。

    Each member shall appoint one business representative and several business contact persons to organize and coordinate all the businesses between the member and the exchange .

  27. 所有义工均由我们的联络员陪同,有些时间更由我们的社区警察陪同一起讲解有关一般的安全问题,同时亦会涉及各种文化的差异。

    The volunteers will be accompanied by our coordinator , and sometimes our neighbourhood police officer , to speak about general safety issues and also address cultural differences .

  28. 来自阿加森的联络员们使用了他们伟大的技能实现了最后协议的达成,并最终导致了我们的共同的成功,我们对他们表示由衷的致敬和深深的感谢。

    We have heartfelt salutations and thanks for the liaisons from Agartha who used their great skills to fashion the final agreements that culminated in our joint success .

  29. 此时在高速飞行的航天飞机上,里克·哈兹班德空军试飞员,虔诚的教徒,顾家的好男人,一直都想成为宇航员开始回应联络员。

    From the speeding shuttle Rick Husband Air Force test pilot , religious , good family man , always wanted to be an astronaut began to answer the communicator .

  30. 然而,他们却把我转移到了瑞典北部,远离斯德哥尔摩城外的那个空军基地,我和另外两名联络员曾被派驻此地。

    Instead , I forced them to move me elsewhere , up to the north of Sweden , far away from the air force base outside Stockholm where I and the two other Contacts had been kept .