
  • 网络duluth;Duluth, DLH
  1. 我发表的第一篇新闻故事《大熊猫中餐馆,德卢斯中国人的家》在当时的明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区写作系主管的LakeVoiceNews上获得了该网站创办以来的最高点击率。

    My first published story Giant Panda home for Chinese Duluthians received the highest view count on Lake Voice News ran by Writing Department at UMD .

  2. 在一个位于明尼苏达州德卢斯的家庭托儿所中,德博拉·斯坦森用一种不寻常的方式来安慰婴儿。

    Deborah Stenseng had an unusual way of comforting infants in her home day care .

  3. 德卢斯警局有人用手机偷拍了伊莉斯·尼克尔斯的尸体,

    Some genius in Duluth PD took a photograph of Elise Nichols ' body with his cell phone ,

  4. 我现在是一名明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区传播专业的大四学生,辅修新闻专业。

    I am currently a senior student at University of Minnesota Duluth studying Communication with a minor in Journalism .

  5. 但据报道高瑟州议员克里告诉在德卢斯的诺诗兰新闻中心,他将竞选连任。

    But State legislator Kerry Gauthier reportedly tells Northland 's NewsCenter in Duluth he will stay in the race for reelection .

  6. 高中毕业后我选择就读了山西大学的英语专业,不久于2012年通过明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区与山西大学的出国项目转学到美国进行媒体相关专业的深造。

    After high school I chose English major at first at Shanxi University and then went to study abroad in U.S. in 2012 at University of Minnesota Duluth ( UMD ) for media related studies .

  7. 我们相信,我们必须成为美国大家庭,认识到,归根到底我们彼此密切相连。德卢斯那位退休教员的问题就是我们的问题。

    We believe we must be the family of america , recognizing that at the heart of the matter we are bound one to another , that the problems of a retired schoolteacher in Duluth are our problems .