
  1. 恒基董事长李兆基(leeshau-kee)证实,这位买家主确实购买了干德道39号的另外5套公寓,但他否认这些公寓是以低于市价的价格售出的。

    While confirming that the buyer also purchased five other flats at 39 conduit Road , Lee shau-kee , chairman of Henderson , denied that flats were sold at below-market prices .

  2. 罪恶常常披着德道的外衣。

    Vice is often clothed in virtue 's habit .

  3. 一种是自治德道。

    There 's an ethics of autonomy .

  4. 这种理解方式往往导致对道德个体性的遮蔽,窒息了个体德道学习的自觉能力,割裂了道德生长的整体精神空间。

    This kind of understanding often leads to overshadow the individuality , stuffing the individual 's conscious ability of moral study , and divide the integral spiritual space in which morality develop .

  5. 就干德道39号来说,恒基地产在高层建造了宽敞的豪华复式公寓,每平方英尺的售价可能是同一栋搂中其它公寓的两倍。

    In the case of 39 Conduit Road , Henderson built spacious luxury duplex flats on high floors , which can be sold for twice the price of other apartments in the same building on a per square foot basis .

  6. “象历史上太平盛世,”奥斯蒙德接口道。

    Like the good reigns in history , Osmond suggested .

  7. 德是道的实践,德总是引导着我们走向道的统合。

    As virtue is the practice of Tao , virtue always leads us into Tao .

  8. “坚持下去!”萨德鼓励我道。

    ' Keep at it ! ' Thade encouraged me .

  9. 研究者通常将道的这一方面称为“道之德”或道之用。

    Researchers usually name this aspect of Tao " virtue in Tao " or the use of Tao .

  10. 德布尔补充道,非洲国家和其他欠发达国家都说,目前哪个国家的减排目标都不够好。

    De Boer added that African countries and other less developed nations say nobody 's targets are good enough at the moment .

  11. 同时集成了各类数据库(物性库、案例库、设备库等)和辅助评价工具(FTA、ETA、蒙德分析工具、道化学分析工具等)。

    At the same time , integrated many databases ( physical properties database , case library , equipment library , etc. ) and evaluation assisted-instruments ( FTA , ETA , Mond analytical tool , Dow chemical analysis tool , etc. ) .

  12. 孔子的德直接来源于道。

    De in Confucianism comes directly from Dao .

  13. “德”则是道的展开,以及其在人生、社会与政治生活中具体的指导和应用。

    " De " is the unfolded and expanded Dao and it makes use of Dao to give guidance to social , political and human life .

  14. “你也观察到,老婆,”德伐日央求道,“他女儿的痛苦,这对医生也是一种可怕的折磨!”

    " And you have observed , my wife ," said defarge , in a deprecatory manner ," the anguish of his daughter , which must be a dreadful anguish to him !"