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  1. 我国学校道德教育中的基础德目研究

    Study on Basic Moral Norms in Our School Moral Education

  2. 这使得各国原有的德目体系也遭到前所未有的挑战。

    It made the original national virtue systems have also been with unprecedented challenges .

  3. 麻疹几种其他疾病,尤指德目麻疹,引起相似、但病状略轻的。

    Any of several other diseases , especially German measles , that cause similar but milder symptoms .

  4. 仁,不仅是最基本的、最高的德目,而且是最普遍的德性标准。

    Jen is not only the most basic , the highest virtue , and virtue is the most common standard .

  5. 德目作为道德的名目,是对人类道德文化发展过程中道德经验的高度概括和总结。

    As moral nominal , virtue is the summary and Conclusion of the moral experience in the development process of human moral and cultural .

  6. 目标确定策略包括目标的类型、来源和筛选要求,认为小学德育校本课程开应当设计更多的过程性德目。

    Targeting strategies include the type of targets , sources and screening requirements , that the process should be designed for more procedural moral objects .

  7. 中西文化的碰撞和渗透,对我国德目体系的重构提出了新的要求和挑战。

    The collision and penetration in the cultures of China and The West , Putting forward new demands and challenges to the reconstruction of the virtue system .

  8. 不同的国家在不同的历史时期会提出不同的德目,虽然各有差异,但总体都体现了对人类基本美德的共同追求。

    In different historical periods , different countries have presented different virtues , although they were varied , but generally reflected the common pursuit of basic human virtues .

  9. 司马光与主流儒学有所不同,他通过“中和”范畴,使儒学各德目统合起来,“中和”在他的思想体系中具有本体意蕴。

    Different form the mainstream of Confucianism , Guang Sima integrates virtue subjects of Confucianism by means of " neutralization " which has an ontological implication in his ideology .

  10. 在历史的变迁、时代的发展中,德目被不断扬弃,呈现出历史性、时代性、阶级性的特征。

    With the change of history , and the development of times , the virtue norm has been constantly abandoned , showing the features of historic , times and class nature .

  11. 学术界一般从伦理、心理学角度探讨仁学思想,把仁看作最高的德目、最高的伦理道德境界。

    In general , academic circles study the thoughts of benevolence from the aspects of ethics and psychology . They regard that benevolence is the supreme moral entry and the supreme moral boundary .

  12. 第二步,分别对中国、新加坡两国不同德育阶段的学校德目进行比较,分析其异同,探求中外学校德目的不同特质。

    The second step , it compares the virtues of different stage of moral education schools between China and Singapore , analyzing the similarities and differences , and exploring the different qualities of school virtues .

  13. 论文从道德概念内涵的变迁入手,说明说理的主要目的并非向学生兜售种种具体的德目,而是发展学生的道德思维。

    In this thesis , the first chapter begins with the connotation change of moral concept . The main purpose of reasoning is not to peddle a variety of specific virtues to students , but to develop students ' moral thinking .

  14. 孝德不是孤立的,它和中华传统道德文化的其他德目是交融的。

    Filial piety is not isolated , and it is closely related to other moral concepts in traditional Chinese culture .