
  • 网络virtue ethics
  1. 现代德性伦理学何以可能&对安斯库姆《现代道德哲学》的解析与引申新课程改革背景下生态性语文课堂何以可能

    How is It Possible of Modern Virtue Ethics What Makes It Possible for an " Ecological Type of Chinese Classes " against the Background of the New Round of Curriculum Reform

  2. 并指明道德原则不只是针对个别行为,也可以针对生活的整体,这又与德性伦理学关注生活整体的倾向接近。

    His moral law is not only directed to individual behaviors but also to the whole life , which is close to the tendency of virtue ethics to concern about the whole life .

  3. 托马斯:德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介

    Thomas & A Media Of Transformation From Virtuous Ethics To Normative Ethics

  4. 进一步说,从19世纪60年代到90年代,由他们所分别推动的新儒学复兴与德性伦理学复兴这两大运动之间缺少对话和交流。

    Furthermore , from 1960s to early 1990s , the revival movement of Confucianism and the revival movement of Aristotelian ethics have not had much dialogue .

  5. 而阿拉斯代尔·麦金太尔作为德性伦理学的主要代表人物,他所代表的社群主义反对这种普遍主义,主张道德是产生于特定的历史实践的,因此持一种特殊主义的态度。

    Alasdair Macintyre is the main representative personage of virtue ethics . He represents the communitarianism which opposes to the universalism and claims that the moral is produced in the specific historical practice ; therefore he holds a special socialist attitude .

  6. 从德性理解环境伦理学

    Understanding Environmental Ethics in Perspective of Morality

  7. 德性善是伦理学中的主要道德范畴,也是人们道德生活中追求的最高目标。

    The moral kindness is the major moral category in ethics , and also is the highest goal that people pursue in moral life .

  8. 风险社会已经成为当今社会的重要特征,而传统的功利论、义务论、德性论等伦理学在应对社会风险问题时却存在着诸多局限。

    Risk society has already become one important character in present society . However , there are so much limitation that the traditional ethics , which includes utilitarianism , deontology and ethics of responsibility , cannot face up with the challenge of risk society .