
  1. 该剖面的船山组灰岩为跨时的岩石地层单位。

    The Chuanshan Formation in this section is a diachronous lithostratigraphic unit .

  2. 闽西船山组上部的介形类调节阀的卸载机理及新型结构的调节阀

    The Unloading Mechanism of Control Valve and a New Type Control Valve

  3. 船山集团石灰石露天采场边坡稳定性研究

    Study on Slope Stability of Dolomite Quarry , Chuanshan Group

  4. 雅与俗:船山诗学的美学观念

    Refinement and Vulgarity : Aesthetics Ideas in Chuanshan 's Poetics

  5. 回归真实的存在&船山哲学基本问题及其精神

    Main point and spirit of Wang Chuanshan 's philosophy

  6. 百年船山学的变迁、困境与出路

    The Evolution , Plight and Future of Chuanshan Study

  7. 船山思想与辛亥革命思潮

    Chuanshan Thought and the Ideas of 1911 Revolutionary Movement

  8. 船山崇祀与近代湖湘地方文化建构

    Idolization of Wang Chuanshan and Construction of Hunan Provincial Culture in Modern History

  9. 从而全面地论述船山的饮酒诗创作。

    Thus the fully understanding of Chuanshan 's drinking poem creation was composed .

  10. 船山史学的新发展

    New Development of Chuanshan 's Study of History

  11. 船山诗学标志着中国古典诗学进入总结期。

    Chuanshan ' poetics indicates that Chinese classical poetics has entered the summary period .

  12. 浙江桐庐地区船山组多重地层划分

    Multiple stratigraphic classification of the Chuanshan Formation in the Tonglu area , Zhejiang , China

  13. 安徽广德独山船山组四射珊瑚二新属

    Two new genera of TETRACORALS EROM the Chuanshan formation in dushan , Guangde of Anhui

  14. 与现代文明接轨的船山思想

    Chuan-shan Thought Emerged with the Modern Civilization

  15. 剑意象抒发了词人的理想,也成就了船山词沉郁遒劲、苍凉悲壮的风格。

    The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile , solemn and stirring style .

  16. 三百年船山学术研究史的分期及其特征

    The Stages Characteristics of the History of Academic Research on Wang Chuan-shan since Three Hundred Years

  17. 船山对人的关注与论述,高扬了人的主体精神与人的价值,突显了中国人文传统的主题,闪烁着人文启蒙之光。

    It stressed the theme of traditional humanism , and glimmered with the light of human initiation .

  18. 船山思想与近代民族意识的形成


  19. 方法与理论的结合,使船山源流探讨进入了更高的诗学层面。

    The integration of method and theory made origin approaching of Chuanshan come into a higher level .

  20. 他的思想体系&船山学说,对中国近代思想文化史产生了深远的影响;

    His system of thought-Quanshan theory , has produced profound influence on Chinese Modern thought and culture history ;

  21. 当历史演进到二十一世纪之际,一些船山研究者开始了试图回到王船山本身的努力。

    While at the beginning of the new century , some scholars endeavor to return to Wang Chuanshan in himself .

  22. 情景互生互涵,也成了船山自己诗歌创作的最高意境追求。

    Having scenes alternated and contained in each other is the highest mood Wang sought after in his own poetic creation .

  23. 船山在其诗论中用现量来解释审美经验,佛学现量由此而形成审美范畴。

    Chuanshan interprets aesthetic experience by pratyaksa in his poetical theory , so the Buddhism pratyaksa is translated an aesthetic category .

  24. 山岳文化、寿文化、蔡伦文化、船山文化是衡阳地域文化中的亮点;

    Mountain culture , long-lived culture , Cailun culture and Chuanshan culture are the bright point of the regional culture in Hengyang .

  25. 涌泉洞位于九江县涌泉乡伏船山,是天然断层裂隙产生崩塌而形成的溶洞。

    Located on Fuchuan Mountain , Yongquan Town , Jiujiang County , Yongquan Cave was shaped by the collapse of geological fault .

  26. 船山动态的人性论别开生面,在传统的中国人性论思想里可谓一朵奇葩。

    Chuanshan spectacular dynamic theory of human nature can be described as a wonderful work on human nature in traditional Chinese thought .

  27. 层状矿体和穿层矿体受石炭系黄龙组、船山组地层层位和层间断裂控制。

    The stratified deposit and cross measure deposit are controlled by the horizon and interformational fault of Carbonic Huanglong Group and Chuanshan Group .

  28. 这其中既有对中国古典传统的复古式回溯,也有船山对于诗乐作为教育手段的现实思考。

    Wang Fu-chih not only backtracked Chinese classical tradition , but also thought about the feasibility of poetry and music as an educational tool .

  29. 究其原因,主要基于船山以儒家的温柔敦厚的诗教原则及晋宋风流的诗艺理想为衡量标尺所致。

    This is mainly due to his ideal poetic criterion affected by Confucian mildness and romanticism which was a fashion from Jin Dynasty to Song .

  30. 本文试图以船山诗学中的雅俗观为切入点来探讨其美学观念。

    Taking the refinement and vulgarity in Chuanshan 's Poetics as the breakthrough point , the author attempts to discuss the aesthetics idea in his poems .