
  1. 5万吨级散货船鹏洋轮整体救助打捞工程

    Salvage Operation of 50000 tons cargo vessel " Peng Yang "

  2. 船在印度洋上航行了七天之后,所有的风和洋流都停止了。

    After seven days on the Indian Ocean , all the winds and currents stopped completely .

  3. 这是松散的基础上的生命,谁亨利艾弗里了大发横财的捕捉宝船在印度洋。

    It was loosely based on the life of Henry Avery who had made a fortune by capturing a treasure ship in the Indian Ocean .

  4. 日本昨天下令其海军燃料补给船驶离印度洋,从而结束了长达6年向美国领导的阿富汗军事行动免费供应石油的行动。

    Japan yesterday ordered its naval refuelling vessels to leave the Indian Ocean , ending six years of operations to supply free oil for US-led military operations in Afghanistan .

  5. 老通宝向来仇恨小轮船这一类洋鬼子的东西!接着,他又伙同另一位朋友搭乘一艘小轮船前往上海。

    He had always abominated the foreign devils ' contraptions . Then he joined another friend and together they were taken in a small boat to Shanghai .

  6. 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所党组织书记乔芳丽介绍到,该科学船将会在印度洋进行第一次科考任务。

    The ship will conduct its first task in the Indian Ocean Qiao Fangli Communist Party Secretary of the First Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration said .

  7. 在派兵前往伊拉克之前,小泉首相已经将日本自卫队的补给船派往印度洋,以支持在2001年发动的阿富汗战争。

    Before sending troops to iraq , Mr Koizumi had also dispatched supply ships from japan 's so-called self-defence forces to the Indian Ocean to help with the war in Afghanistan in2001 .