
  • 网络Gold Exchange Standard System;standard
  1. 当时的联邦储备系统是一个,像英格兰银行一样的金本位制度的机构。

    The Federal Reserve System was a gold standard institution like the Bank of England .

  2. 这种贵金属让包括黄金投资者和政客在内的所有人产生了这样一种想法,即美国应该回归金本位制度。

    The precious metal spawned a frenzy among everyone from gold bugs to politicos who think America should return to the gold standard .

  3. 中国近代货币本位制度的建立和崩溃

    The Establishment and Collapse of The Standard Currency System In Modern China

  4. 所以,三十年代,金本位制度结束,每个国家都放弃使用它。

    So the gold standard ended in the1930s and every country dropped it .

  5. 于是,英国成为了一个金本位制度的国家。

    So England became on the gold standard .

  6. 利率期限贴水与货币本位制度:欧洲国家的实证分析

    Term Agio of Interest Rate and Monetary Standard : Analyzed through European Substantial Evidence

  7. 但当时各资本主义国家却正在相继放弃金本位制度。

    But most of the capitalist countries were abandoning the gold standard at that time .

  8. 十九世纪90年代,美国对金本位制度的依附引发了通货紧缩,击垮了负债累累的农民。

    In the1890s America 's adherence to the gold standard brought on deflation that crushed debt-laden farmers .

  9. 民初金属本位制度的讨论

    On the discussion about the metal standard system in the early years of the Republic of China

  10. 关于官本位制度和地本位经济,以后有时间再闲扯。

    Based on the official system and the ground-based economy , in future we have time to cackle .

  11. 自从金本位制度崩溃以来,世界经济经常受到金融危机的困扰。

    Since the broken down of Gold Standard System , the world economy is frequently obsessed by financial crisis .

  12. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。

    By form of reserve assets : gold standard system , gold exchange standard system , credit standard system .

  13. 第一,是对黄金作为货币的历史进行了考察,重点对于历史上著名的金本位制度进行分析。

    First , the history of gold as money was investigated , focusing on the historic gold standard for analysis .

  14. 所以,世界各地的中央银行,开始管理,成为了通货膨胀的管理者,而不是金本位制度的守卫者。

    So central banks around the world began to manage became managers of inflation rather than defenders of a gold standard .

  15. 他的重点放在了恢复美国经济,以及建立金本位制度上。

    He focused on restoring prosperity to the country and set the value of the dollar against the price of gold .

  16. 它是什么&它开始于,第一个官方正式地采取金本位制度的国家,是英国,那时是1717年。

    What it was it began the first country to adopt the gold standard officially was the United Kingdom and that was in1717 .

  17. 在金本位制度下,金银不仅是一国的货币,也是真正意义上的世界货币。

    In the era of classical gold standard , gold and silver acted as the all-functioning money not only nationally but also world-widely .

  18. 在国际金本位制度下,进出口贸易差额有时确实可以靠交运黄金的来结算,但也可以用交运棉花、钢铁、威士忌、香料,或其他普通商品来结算。

    It is true that under the international gold standard discrepancies in balances of imports and exports were sometimes settled by shipments of gold .

  19. 从而,使得在金本位制度下,银行系统成为经济体的保护者,使其能稳定且平衡地增长。

    Thus , under the gold standard , a free banking system stands as the protector of an economy 's stability and balanced growth .

  20. 而且,由于其它货币按金本位制度下的固定汇率与美元挂钩,美国通货紧缩引发了外国的通货紧缩。

    And since other currencies were linked to the dollar by the fixed exchange rates of the gold standard , US deflation caused foreign deflation .

  21. 在金本位制度下,你的纸币表示着,很多盎司的金子,并且你可以一直兑换那些金子。

    Under the gold standard your dollar bill represented so many ounces of gold and you were supposed to be able to always get that gold .

  22. 在金本位制度下,增加外汇储备积累会产生通缩效应,因为它会吸走世界其它国家的流动性。

    Under a gold standard , increased reserve accumulation would have been deflationary , since it would have drained the rest of the world of liquidity .

  23. 在金属货币本位制度下,马克思认为货币具有价值尺度、流通手段、储藏手段和支付手段四种基本职能。

    In metal-based currency system , Marx believed that the currency have four basic functions of value scale , circulation means , storage means and payment means .

  24. 金本位制度是一个成功,因为金子的价值保持不变,并且这也是,人们当初对这设计整个系统的意图所在。

    The gold standard was a success in the sense that the price of gold stayed constant because that 's what the whole system was designed to do .

  25. 他们指出,上世纪20年代以及1929年危机开始后不久,几个国家放弃了金本位制度,并施行了以邻为壑的竞争性货币贬值。

    They argue that during the 1920s and shortly after the onset of the 1929 crisis , several countries abandoned the gold standard and engaged in beggar-thy-neighbour competitive devaluations .

  26. 当然,在金本位制度中,金子的价格从来没有变过,因为这是金本位制度,的核心所在,如果货币能够与金子转换的话。

    Of course the price of gold never changed in the gold standard because that was the whole point of the gold standard that 's if currency was convertible into gold .

  27. 比如说1931年9月英格兰银行决定放弃金本位制度并允许英镑贬值并不是为了让英国在国际贸易中占据出口优势。

    Bank of England to abandon the gold standard and allow the pound to fall in value was not a step that it deliberately chose to give British exporters an advantage in world trade .

  28. 旧的金本位制度目的在于,保持金子与货币的转换功能,但是现在我们甚至都,不用货币来支持它了,或是用金子,所以这意味着什么呢?

    The old gold standard was supposed to maintain the convertibility of gold in currency but now we 're not even backing it with currency anymore with gold anymore ? so what does it mean ?

  29. 南京国民政府是从货币本位制度、货币发行权制度和发行准备金制度三方面进行改革以稳定币值的。

    In order to stabilize the currency value , Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard , the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve .

  30. 晚清货币变革为民国时期的货币改革奠定了基础,民国时的《国币条例》和其后完成银元本位制度的废两改元都是在《币制则例》的基础上加以完善的。

    Regulations of National Currency during the period of Republican China and Abolishing tael for Silver Dollars of the silver standard system after Republican China both had been perfected on the base of Rules of the Currency system .