
  • 网络Dezong;Trisur T N Tethong
  1. 这在改革宗和路德宗的圈子内,已经变成一种咒语(mantra)。

    This has become something of a mantra in Reformed as well as in Lutheran circles .

  2. 著名的广播节目,《白马客栈》(TheWhiteHorseInn),曾举办一次专题讨论,请来了四位牧师,分别来自路德宗,(欧陆)改革宗,长老会和浸信会。

    The popular radio program , The White Horse Inn , features a panel discussion between four ministers , one Lutheran , one Reformed , one Presbyterian , and one Baptist .

  3. 唐肃、代、德宗朝商业政策干预模式之转换

    On the Intervening Modes of the Commercial Policies in the Latter Part of the Tang Dynasty

  4. 唐代户部别贮钱设置于德宗贞元四年二月辛巳,但有一个酝酿和后续过程。

    A special storage fund was set up on Xinsi February the Fourth Zhenyuan in Tang Dynasty , it had a brewing and succeeding course .

  5. 直到德宗时期,这种混乱局面才有所改变,荐举制也重新回到了正轨。

    Until the German ancestor time , this kind of chaos only then changes , recommended lifts the system also to return the stock rail .

  6. 对照之下,整个路德宗的系统据称都是从神称罪人为义这个教义而作出推论的。

    It 's a thesis from which everything else is deduced , rather than a central teaching that emerges inductively from the whole teaching of Scripture .

  7. 《大唐郊祀錄》是由王泾所编纂,内容是记载唐德宗朝祭祀天地神只与宗庙仪式之国家禮典。

    " Ta-Tang Chiao-ssu Lu " edited by Wang Ching , it recorded the ceremonial of sacred gods and ancestral temple in Tang Te-tsung 's Period .

  8. 笔者认为《德宗景皇帝实录》福建史料对研究福建的近代历史具有一定的学术价值。

    I think the historical materials relating to Fujian in The Factual Record of Qing Emperor De Zong are valuable to study modern history in a degree .

  9. 《德宗景皇帝实录》更是记载了福建在近代化发展的道路上的坎坷历程,涉及了政治、经济、文化、军事等不同的社会领域。

    The Factual Record of Qing Emperor De Zong records the differences on the way of the development trend to modernization , range from political affairs , economy , culture to military and so on .

  10. 这场兵变对亲身经历过它的德宗、顺宗、宪宗产生了很大的影响,从而在各个方面影响了唐王朝中后期的政局走势。前人学者对其兵变本身已经做过了很多深入的研究。

    This mutiny had a great impact on Te-tsung and his successors , thus affecting all aspects of the political trend of the late Tang dynasty ; previous scholars have done a lot of the mutiny itself-depth research .

  11. 本文尝试在对《德宗景皇帝实录》福建史料分类整理的基础上,对不同种类的福建史料进行量化统计、分析、比较,展示了福建在晚清时期的社会风貌和社会的变化。

    The paper tries to statistical , analysis and compare with different the historical materials relating to Fujian in The Factual Record of Qing Emperor De Zong , basing on the classification . It also shows the society situation and changes of Fujian province during the later of Qing period .