
dé huà
  • Dehua;influence people by moral uprightness
德化 [dé huà]
  • [moralize and change] 旧指以道德感化人

  1. IGF-1基因多态性对德化黑鸡产蛋性状遗传效应的研究

    Effects of IGF-1 gene polymorphism on egg-laying of Dehua black chicken

  2. 德化黑鸡产业化养殖关键技术与对策

    Main Technologies and Strategies to Industrialization Farming of Dehua Black Chicken

  3. 社会热点评论中的教条主义与泛道德化&从佘祥林冤案切入

    Dogmatism and Moral Oversimplification in the Comments on Social Incidents

  4. 福建省德化县草业综合开发之探讨

    Approach to comprehensively developing the Prataculture of Dehua county , fujian Province

  5. 基于马尔可夫模型的德化县土地利用结构变化预测

    Forecast Based on Markov Model of Land Use Structure Changes in Dehua County

  6. 基于景观生态的德化瓷都文化旅游开发

    The Development of Porcelain Capital Cultural Tourism Dehua Town Based on Landscape Ecology

  7. 本文的研究对象限定为德化窑的瓷塑作品。

    Research object of this paper is limited to Cisu Dehua kiln work .

  8. 历代德化窑白瓷的研究

    A study of Dehua white porcelain in successive dynasties

  9. 德化、石湾及景德镇陶瓷雕塑艺术之比较

    Comparison of the Ceramic Sculpture Art s in Dehua and Shiwan and Jingdezhen

  10. 德化县循环经济发展的综合评价与研究

    The Evaluation and Research of Dehua Circular Economic Development

  11. 不过倒有一块南诏德化碑。

    But there is a Nanzhao Dehua Stone Tablet .

  12. 永泰&德化地区各类火山岩的判别函数

    The discriminant function to varieties of volcanic rocks in Yongtai and Dehua areas

  13. 从《南诏德化碑》看唐与南诏的关系

    An Analysis of the Relation between Tang and Nanzhao through the Nanzhao Moralization Stele

  14. 德化黑鸡的肌肉品质分析

    Analysis on Meat Quality of Dehua Black Chickens

  15. 福建德化黑鸡体重和体尺性状的相关与聚类分析

    Correlation and Cluster Analysis of Weight and Size of Dehua Black Chicken in Fujian

  16. 德化县林地保护利用现状、存在问题及对策措施

    The Situation of Woodland Protection and Utilization , Problems and Solutions in Dehua County

  17. 德化有一条陶瓷街。

    There is a ceramics street in dehua .

  18. 韩国广州白瓷和中国德化白瓷之比较研究

    The Research about White China Guangzhou of Korea is Comparable with Dehua of China

  19. 德化地区不同窑口青花瓷的质子激发Χ射线荧光分析

    Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis of Blue and White Porcelain from Different Kilns of Dehua

  20. 唐代之前,德化陶瓷以生产日用器具为主,产品供本地民众日常所需。

    Before Tang Dynasty , Te-hua porcelain was mainly for local people of everyday use .

  21. 德化精神是大理最优秀的民族文化。

    " Moral Spirit " is the most outstanding of Dali 's Bai national culture .

  22. 要坚持“以德化民”的原则,充分发挥道德教育的功能;

    In addition , Wanggen thought that the core of self-cultivation is the rule of virtue .

  23. 博大精深的中国体育伦理思想与中国泛道德化的传统文化背景紧密相关。

    The thought of sport ethics had close relationship with the tan-moral culture background of China .

  24. 以能令众以德化众&论领导者的非权力影响力

    Command the Masses with Abilities and Inspire Them with Virtues & On Leaders ' Non-power Influence

  25. 福建省德化白瓷,莹白而带透明感,生产佛像相当有名。

    Fujian Dehua white , pale and with a clear sense of the production very famous statues .

  26. 然而现代以来德化陶瓷的艺术性却出现逐渐弱化的现象。

    But since the modern time , the artistic quality of Dehua ceramic appears gradually blurred phenomenon .

  27. 这其中的诀窍是:展开的话题不致使人感到不自然,或显得自夸,以及有道德化倾向。

    The trick is starting the discussion of a subject without appearing to be boastful moralizing or unnatural .

  28. 德化瓷塑作品的题材十分广泛,涉及了东西方的宗教与文化。

    Dehua cisu wide variety of subjects of works , involves the Eastern and Western religion and culture .

  29. 中华民族几千年来治世安邦所贯穿的一条主线就是以德化人、以德安邦,实行德治。

    Since thousands of years , the Chinese has been inheriting the tradition of virtue in governing the country .

  30. 回顾德化窑的烧造历史,对德化瓷塑的胎与釉成份进行调查。

    Recall the Dehua kiln firing history , the Germany of the tire and the glaze ingredients Cisu investigation .